Published new issue 13-14 of Lexia Journal of Semiotics

Download presentation-PDF: Massimo Leone 2013 – Lexia 13-14 Protesta Protest a cura di Massimo Leone Un vento di protesta sta scuotendo il mondo intero. È un vento che soffia da lontano, ma in questi ultimi tempi si è fatto impetuoso. Le elezioni presidenziali in Iran nel 2009, i moti di rivolta in Tunisia, Egitto, Siria, per tutto il…

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10th International Conference on Semiotics – Changing Worlds & Signs of the times

The Hellenic Semiotics Society and the University of Thessaly (The School of Humanities and the department of Architecture Engineering) are holding the 10th International Conference on Semiotics entitled ‘Changing Worlds & Signs of the Times’ in Volos, Greece, from 4 to 6 October 2013. Last extension of abstract submission of written or oral proposals by…

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IX Congreso Nacional y VI Congreso Internacional de SEMA

IX Congreso Nacional y VI Congreso Internacional de SEMA Mar del Plata, del 9 al 11 de Octubre de 2013. Más información sobre el congreso: Más información sobre SEMA: SEGUNDA CIRCULAR Nueva fecha de recepción de resúmenes: debido a la solicitud de futuros participantes, se decide realizar la postergación de la fecha límite…

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Young Scholars Symposium in Semiotics

Ελληνική Σημειωτική Εταιρία / Hellenic Semiotic Society Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies-New Bulgarian University Πρόσφατες Ερευνητικές Εξελίξεις στη Σημειωτική Recent Research in Semiotics Αίθουσα Κωνσταντόπουλου, Νομική Σχολή Α.Π.Θ. / Konstantopoulos Room, Law School, Aristotle University Θεσσαλονίκη, 18 Μαΐου 2013 / Thessaloniki, May 18, 2013    Πρόγραμμα / Programme 9.00     Εγγραφή συνέδρων, προσέλευση κοινού και…

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Book: Brand equity planning with structuralist rhetorical semiotics Vol.I

Press release Brand equity planning with structuralist rhetorical semiotics Vol.I  Title: Brand equity planning with structuralist rhetorical semiotics Vol.I ISBN: 978-1481843157 Author: George Rossolatos Release date: 2012 Pages: 260 Available at Amazon:   Publication objectives: This book seeks to outline a structuralist rhetorical semiotic approach to brand equity planning, with view to addressing how…

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Collection for the portrait painting of Professor Eero Tarasti – University of Helsinki

Collection for the portrait painting of Professor Eero Tarasti – To complete the portrait gallery of the professors at the University of Helsinki, Galleria Academica, we invite you to congratulate Professor Eero Tarasti on his 65th birthday on September 27, 2013 by participating in the portrait project. The portrait of Professor Tarasti will be painted…

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Signs and Society – vol.1, n.1

 The first issue of Signs and Society, the new journal of semiotics of the University of Chicago Press has been published. Free access to the issue is available at this link: Related posts:

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VIII Congreso Internacional Chileno de Semiótica – Primeira Circular

Tenemos el agrado de comunicarles que la Asociación Chilena de Semiótica y la Comisión Organizadora invitan a los académicos e investigadores chilenos y extranjeros a participar en esta octava versión del Congreso Internacional Chileno de Semiótica enviando sus PONENCIAS, para ser presentadas en uno de los SIMPOSIOS seleccionados, antes del día 6 de septiembre de 2013, en la…

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Special Issue: The Authoriality of Religious Law

A partir de este link se puede bajar un PDF de presentación del último número de la _Revista Internacional de Semiótica Jurídica_, un numero especial sobre la “Authoriality of Religious Law”:

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Semiofest – Design and Semiotics

TALLERES ABIERTOS SOBRE DISEÑO Y SEMIÓTICA OPEN WORKSHOPS – DESIGN AND SEMIOTICS. 30 de mayo de 2013 – Barcelona May 30th, 2013, Barcelona. CASTELLANO En Semiofest, uno de nuestros principales intereses es explicar y difundir qué hacemos con la semiótica. Para ello, este año vamos a ofrecer dos talleres -uno en castellano y otro…

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