Detailed program / Programa detallada / Programme détaillé Semio2014 – 12th World Congress of Semiotics IASS

Dear participants to the world congress of semiotics, This is the first draft of the preliminary detailed program, please have a look and if you do not see your name and title write to us (, there are certain proposals still under evaluation, but the majority of them should be there. We cannot reschedule entire…

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CFP: Lexia n. 19

Lexia n. 19: Food and Cultural Identity Lexia n. 19: Cibo e identità culturale Lexia n. 19: Alimentation et identité culturelle Lexia n. 19: Comida e identidad cultural Download PDF: Lexia n. 19 Call for Papers Lexia, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCE, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Torino, Italy,…

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Roundtable “Existential Semiotics” at 12th World Congress of Semiotics

Roundtable “Existential Semiotics” directed by Eero Tarasti and Zdzisław Wąsik at the 12th World Congress of Semiotics: New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation, Sofia 16-20 September 2014. See: The PDF document of Existential Semiotics Tarasti & Wasik Roundtable Semio2014, (in the attachment) to be downloded, is avaialble here:

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Published new issue 15-16 of Lexia Journal of Semiotics

Download presentation-PDF: Lexia 15-16 – Ecstasy – Presentation Materials Estasi Ecstasy È estatico ogni discorso che, costruendosi nel linguaggio e col linguaggio, rappresenta nondimeno una fuoriuscita da esso, un bloccarsi della semiosi, un venir meno delle distinzioni che fondano il senso. Trattasi dunque di un’impostura? Dell’evocazione impossibile, fra le maglie dell’immanenza, di una dimensione trascendente nella quale e verso la…

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4th issue of the Southern Semiotic Review Jornal

The fourth issue of this journal is published and can be seen as The  journal welcomes papers with general semiotic methodology and subject matter, as well as ones with special themes. Current themes include media and social video, religion, memory and performance in particular dance and gesture.  As well as peer-reviewed papers, less formal reviews,…

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On the Eve of the 12th World Congress of IASS/AIS in Sofia – Eero Tarasti

Eero Tarasti:  Presidential Address on the Eve of the 12th World Congress of IASS/AIS in Sofia “Semiotics harms no one”, once wrote our British, or rather Scotch, colleague Raymond Monelle.  Someone also said that semiotics never dies. But how can it survive in the contemporary world under many kinds of threats?  One threat in those…

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CFP: 10th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, 26-28 March

2015 University of Tübingen, Germany Tenth International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, 26-28 March 2015 The tenth in a series of biennial international and interdisciplinary symposia organized by the Iconicity Research Project since 1997, this meeting will once again focus on iconicity – understood as form miming meaning and form, and meaning miming…

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The American Journal of Semiotics Vol. 30, Issue 1/2, 2014

The American Journal of Semiotics Volume 30, Issue 1/2, 2014 Peirce and the Cenoscopic Science of Signs John Deely (editor-in-chief) and Christopher Morrissey (editor) Articles 1.Priscila Borges, Experience and Cognition in Peirce’s Semiotics 2. Garnet C. Butchart, Haunting Past Images: On the 2006 Documentary Film Description of a Memory in the Context of Communicology 3. Gilad Elbom,…

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New book: The Semiotics of Animal Representations – Edited by Kadri Tüür and Morten Tønnessen

The Semiotics of Animal Representations Edited by Kadri Tüür and Morten Tønnessen Amsterdam/New York, NY 2014. 376 pp. (Nature, Culture and Literature 10) ISBN: 978-90-420-3827-1                     Paper €80,-/US$112,- ISBN: 978-94-012-1072-0                     E-Book €72,-/US$101,- Online info: The ways in which we represent animals say much about who we are, who we strive to be, and our often…

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