New Book: Semiotics and Hermeneutics of the Everyday

New Book: Semiotics and Hermeneutics of the Everyday

New publication of the Hellenic Semiotic Society: Semiotics and Hermeneutics of the Everyday Editors: Lia Yoka, Gregory Paschalidis The linchpin of the momentous paradigm shift that produced the new hermeneutics of everyday life was a focus on people as active agents in various cultural contexts, uses and practices, the merging of the conventional distinctions between…

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Applications for MA Program in Cognitive Linguistics, Case Western Reserve University

Now taking applications for 2015-2016 academic year MA in Cognitive Linguistics The Cognitive Science Department at Case is unique in the nation for its focus on higher order cognition as it relates to culture, creativity, and design. The MA program in Cognitive Linguistics, one of two in the world and the only one in the…

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CFP: Social Semiotics Journal

Social Semiotics, the Taylor and Francis journal, would like to send a general call for contributions. Since its inception in the 1980s, Social Semiotics has pursued high quality research and analysis. It has featured critical investigations of all aspects of culture, language, media and communication, publishing peer-reviewed papers that use methods from visual communication, Critical…

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CFP: Semiotics of Cultural Heritages, From Authenticity to Informatics -7-10 May 2015 – Istanbul University (EXTENDED DEADLINE)

CFP: Semiotics of Cultural Heritages, From Authenticity to Informatics -7-10 May 2015 – Istanbul University (EXTENDED DEADLINE)

We are pleased to announce International Semiotic Conference, ‘Semiotics of Cultural Heritages : From Authenticity to Informatics’ to be held between 7-10 May 2015 in İstanbul University. Congress language is: – English, French or Turkish- Semiotics of Cultural Heritages is an international research project founded by Professor Eero Tarasti two years ago. It is largely…

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MA programme in Semiotics at the University of Tartu

Tartu University is home for a unique centre of semiotics, as the Department of Semiotics established by Juri Lotman is one of the oldest in the world. It has long-time traditions in research and teaching semiotics at BA, MA, and PhD levels. In the 2009/2010 academic year, we launched an international English MA programme in…

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15th Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar on Musical Semiotics – University of Helsinki, March 2-5, 2015

Director Professor Eero Tarasti, Co-Directors Professor Jean-Marie Jacono (Université d’Aix-Marseille), Professor Dario Martinelli (Kaunas Technological University) MONDAY, MARCH 2      Unioninkatu 38 hall C120 Musicology 10-12.30              Session I – Opening Eero Tarasti – Jean-Marie Jacono, Musique, narrativité et  société russe : les ballets de Tchaikovski – Juan Barrera, Forme et signification dans le répertoire d’orgue francais du…

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Survey of the IASS membership – still open

The IASS values the views of its membership and is currently carrying out a survey. For members to participate in the survey, the links are English: Spanish: Results of the survey will be published on the IASS website later this year.

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CFP: Semiotic Society of America 40th Annual Meeting

CFP: Semiotic Society of America 40th Annual Meeting

October 1-4, 2015  |  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Submission Deadline: May 8, 2015 Evolutionary Love: Relations and Identities in a Virtual World Charles Sanders Peirce’s concept of evolutionary love is behind the theme of this year’s conference, which prompts an exploration into the digital age of virtual relationships and identities. How have these relationships grown, or changed,…

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2nd Call for Papers: Animals in the Anthropocene – Human–animal relations in a changing semiosphere Stavanger, Norway, 17–19 September 2015

2nd Call for Papers: Animals in the Anthropocene – Human–animal relations in a changing semiosphere Stavanger, Norway, 17–19 September 2015

Organised by the Norwegian research group of the Norwegian-Estonian research project “Animals in Changing Environments: Cultural Mediation and Semiotic Analysis” (EEA Norway Grants/Norway Financial Mechanism 2009–2014 under project contract no. EMP151). The research project is carried out in cooperation between University of Stavanger (Norway) and University of Tartu (Estonia). Co-organised by Minding Animals Norway. Venue: Kjell Arholms hus,…

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New issue: Sign Systems Studies 42(4)

New issue: Sign Systems Studies 42(4)

Sign Systems Studies 42(4) The current issue contains four articles that can be brought together using the general key phrase ‘semiotics of culture extended’, thus proceeding from the main line of thought that has been characteristic of the journal. In addition, we are publishing a self-reflective review of contemporary semiotics in the form of…

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