New Book: A Literary Semiotics Approach to the Semantic Universe of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four

A Literary Semiotics Approach to the Semantic Universe of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four Author(s): Murat Kalelioğlu Book Description Semiotics can be considered as a well-organized signification journey taken among the pages of the work of art. It requires background knowledge related to the field and its analysis tools, as well as careful reading practices in…

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First Call for Papers: 12th Conference of the IAVS-AISV

First Call for Papers: 12th Conference of the IAVS-AISV Visual semiotics goes cognitive Le tournant cognitive de la sémiotique visuelle El giro cognitivo de la semiótica visual August 22 to 24, 2019, Centre for language and literature, Lund University What can cognitive semiotics bring to visual semiotics, and vice-versa? Visual semiotics has, most of the…

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New issue: deSignis, no. 27

deSignis, Latin American Federation of Semiotics Journal, is happy to announce its new issue, No. 27. Cine y Literatura, Interferencias e Intersecciones was coordinated by Sabine Schlickers, Jörg Türschmann and Mónica Starain. It is available in our website:

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CFP: ΧΙI International Conference on Semiotics, Hellenic Semiotic Society in Thessaloniki (Greece)

CALL FOR PAPERS ΧΙI ΙNTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SEMIOTICS Signs of Europe Thessaloniki, Greece, 1-3 November 2019 Organized by the Hellenic Semiotic Society, the School of French Language and Literature and the Laboratory of Semiotics of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Since antiquity Europe is not so much a place as an idea, a myth, an imagination,…

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CFP: 7th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal (« Algorithmes »)

CFP: 7th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal (« Algorithmes »)

Appel à contribution     no 7 | 2019 : Algorithmes Dossier dirigé par Fabien Richert et Emmanuelle Caccamo La dynamique d’une numérisation croissante des différentes activités humaines et le pilotage de certaines d’entre elles par la puissance algorithmique ne cessent de susciter désirs, fantasmes et craintes d’une vie entièrement assistée par les machines de calculs….

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3rd Seminar and Symposium of the Academy of Cultural Heritages

3rd Seminar and Symposium of the Academy of Cultural Heritages at Hermoupolis, Syros island (Cyclades) , Greece on Oct. 1-8, 2019; chair Prof. Eero Tarasti; assistants Lazaros Papoutsis (Florina, Greece) and Paul Forsell (Helsinki) The 15th International Doctoral and Postdoctoral seminar on musical semiotics, on Oct 2-5. co-directors profs. Marta Grabocz (University of Strasbourg), Demetre…

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CFP: Lexia – The semiotics of Martyrdom

Call for Papers THE SEMIOTICS OF MARTYRDOM From modern norms to contemporary culture Lexia-CFP-Martyrdom-Multi-Language “Lexia”, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCe, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Turin, Italy, invites contributions to be published in the issue n. 31-32 of the new series. The topic of the forthcoming issue is…

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New issue: Sign Systems Studies 46 (2/3), 2018

Sign Systems Studies 46 (2/3), 2018 We are happy to announce the publication of the new issue of Sign Systems Studies. The online issue is available here: The print issue is available at An international journal of semiotics and sign processes in culture and living nature, the journal Sign Systems Studies was established…

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New volume of Biosemiotics, v. 18 – A Biosemiotic Ontology

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for a new volume of Biosemiotics . Volume 18 : A Biosemiotic Ontology by Felice Cimatti is now available on the SpringerLink web site at By clicking on the URLs below you can access the abstracts for each chapter. Table of Contents: Introduction Author(s)…

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CFP: Semiotics of Religion – EASR conference

Call for papers on semiotics of religion at the EASR 25-29 June 2019. Submission deadline 15 December 2018. The European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) is holding its 17th Annual Conference “Religion – Continuations and Disruptions” at the University of Tartu, Estonia, 25 through 29 June 25 2019. One of the conference sessions is dedicated…

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