With a Call for papers for the 4th issue of the journal Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication (ISSN, DOI, CEEOl) Semiotics of the Digital Face (6-10 September 2020, Sozopol, Bulgaria) (Deadline for the proposals: 31 March 2020)  The advent of the internet and digital technologies in general wrought deep changes to the socio-cultural tissue in almost…

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DEADLINE EXTENDED! Call for Papers “Semiotics of Digital Gastromania” for Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication

DEADLINE EXTENDED! Since the adoption of Web 2.0, the Internet has chosen food and nutrition as its favorite topic. The Chowhound boards, for example, have been active since ’97, a fact which speaks volumes about how much we owe the “great conversation” of online social media for the culinary megatrend we call—according to Marrone (2014)—gastromania….

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New book: Semiotics and Visual Communication III. Cultures of Branding

Editor: Evripides Zantides The chapters in this book consist of selected papers that were presented at the 3rd International Conference and Poster Exhibition on Semiotics and Visual Communication at the Cyprus University of Technology in November 2017. They investigate the theme of the third conference, “The Semiotics of Branding”, and look at branding and brand…

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Editorship of Semiotica, the journal of the IASS

Marcel Danesi is stepping down from his role as editor-in-chief of the IASS journal Semiotica. Since 2004, when Marcel took over from interim editor-in-chief, Jean Umiker-Sebeok, the journal has grown and continued to lead in the field and in the international community of scholars. With the help of the publisher, de Gruyter, the journal has…

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Call for papers: Versus. Quaderni di studi semiotici

Future. A time of history Edited by Jorge Lozano (Universidad Complutense – Madrid)  and Daniele Salerno (Universiteit Utrecht) Founded in 1971 by Umberto Eco, who had been its editor-in-chief until his death in February 2016, Versus is one of the first international journals of Semiotics, Philosophy and Theory of Language. It is currently directed by…

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Call for papers: Lexia, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCe

“Lexia”, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCe, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Turin, Italy, invites contributions to be published in the issue n. 37-38 of the new series. The topic of the forthcoming issue is “Transhuman Visages”. Download: Lexia-CFP-Transhuman Visages Here is the expected publication schedule of the volume:…

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Symposium: “Transhuman Visages. Artificial Faces in Arts, Science and Society”, Polish Institute of Advanced Studies, 28 January 2020

Transhuman Visages Artificial Faces in Arts, Science, and Society ERC-2018-COG 816640: FACETS – Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies Symposium and Meeting of the Senior Advisory Board, PIAST, Polish Institute of Advanced Studies, 28 January 2020 Convenor: ERC FACETS PI, Massimo LEONE, Shanghai University / University of Turin PIAST, Polish Institute of Advanced Studies, Jaracza…

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(suit le texte en français) THE KRISTEVA CIRCLE, MAY 21-23, SOFIA, 2020 SEMIOTIZATION AND TRANSUBSTANTIATION: JULIA KRISTEVA FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Hosted by: SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR SEMIOTIC STUDIES, NEW BULGARIAN UNIVERSITY DEADLINE FOR THE ABSTRACTS: 15 JANUARY 2020 In the general introduction to her trilogy on the “female genius,” Kristeva notes that Arendt, Klein, and…

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Call for Papers “Semiotics of Digital Gastromania” for Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication

Since the adoption of Web 2.0, the Internet has chosen food and nutrition as its favorite topic. The Chowhound boards, for example, have been active since ’97, a fact which speaks volumes about how much we owe the “great conversation” of online social media for the culinary megatrend we call—according to Marrone (2014)—gastromania. Indeed, food…

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New issue of the Journal Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication

New issue of the Journal Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication has been published, Volume II, 2019 by the Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies, New Bulgarian University This second volume of our journal addresses an uneasy topic. It is uneasy exactly because it is too easy to speak about love and sex and yet say nothing. It…

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Announcement and Call for Paper: “The Semiotic Intersection of Literature, Language and Cognition” (3rd IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop at the Nanjing Normal University, 6-7 June, 2020)

Download: Announcement & CFP updated Nov. 16, 2019 Following its success in 2018 and 2019, our exciting annual program IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop continues into its third year in celebrating decades of international exchange, cooperation and coordination in the global arena of semiotics, which has long been regarded as an interdisciplinary methodology that cuts across…

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Position for a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of the Free State (Bloemfontein, South Africa)

The Department of Linguistics and Language Practice has a position for a postdoctoral research fellow in one of the following fields of specialization: Semiotics, including intersemiotic translation and/or multimodality Biosemiotics/ecosemiotics (and the humanities) Sociology of translation Translation and development Interest candidates can contact Kobus Marais at by 29 November 2019.

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