New book: “On the corposphere. Anthropo-semiotics of the body”, by José Enrique Finol

The book presents and analyses the bodily meaning making processes that originates in its performances and representations in today’s world. It starts from philosophical, sociological, anthropological and religious views, and from those visions analyzes how this seminal visions are expressed in contemporary societies. Also the book scrutinizes the morphological body and how its parts and…

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Parution du livre: “Narratologie musicale. Topiques, théories et stratégies analytiques”, dirigé par Márta Grabócz

Chères et chers collègues, Je vous envoie les informations sur la parution d’un ouvrage collectif sur la Narratologie musicale. Topiques, théories, stratégies analytiques. La sémiotique y prend une grande part (sémiotique de Greimas, celle de Peirce, théories des topiques/topoï). Le livre contient 23 articles dont 19 traduits  à partir de cinq langues (textes des grands…

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Séminaire de recherche: “Pour une histoire des formes de montage”

Chères et chers collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement d’un séminaire de recherche à la croisée entre sémiotique, esthétique et histoire: “Pour une histoire des formes de montage”. Il aura lieu à Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, École des Arts de la Sorbonne, 47 rue des Bergers (15e arr.), mais il est possible de le…

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Nouveau livre: “Ensemble. Pour une anthropologie sémiotique du Politique”, de Jacques Fontanille

Nous avons le grand plaisir et l’honneur de vous annoncer la parution du livre de Jacques Fontanille, Ensemble. Pour une anthropologie sémiotique du Politique, aux Presses universitaires de Liège, au sein de la collection « Sigilla ».  La présentation, le sommaire et les instructions pour le commander sont disponibles à cette adresse: Vos commandes peuvent se…

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III Jornadas Argentinas de Estudiantes de Semiótica (JAES) y III Encuentro de Cátedras de Semiótica, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE) (15-17 septiembre, 2021)

Tenemos el agrado de compartir con ustedes el programa general de las III Jornadas Argentinas de Estudiantes de Semiótica, JAES, y del III Encuentro de Cátedras de Semiótica, con sede en la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE) y con el aval de la AAS. Las actividades comienzan mañana, miércoles 15…

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Call for papers: Versus, n.1, 2022: “Desemantising/Resemantising”, edited by Alice Giannitrapani

In the Dictionary, Greimas and Courtés spend a few words on resemantization, explaining it as a form of retrieval of “certain partial content units, having previously been lost” and the consequent rediscovery of “their initial semantic value”. If the Two Friends, they exemplify, are initially called “Monsieur” to indicate their “usual social status”, in the…

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New book: (Re)considering Roman Jakobson, edited by Elin Sütiste, Remo Gramigna, Jonathan Griffin and Silvi Salupere

Tartu Semiotics Library 23, University of Tartu Press This book was initiated by a graduate course of Elin Sütiste about semiotics of Roman Jakobson (1896-1982), given in the Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu. The contributions include articles by the doctoral students as well as co -lecturers, visiting scholars and colleagues. These seminars affirmed that…

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Charls Pearson (1932-2021)

We regret to inform the world of semiotics, that it has lost one of its own. Dr. Charls Pearson left this world on May 11, 2021, just shy of his 89th birthday.  He passed after several years of ill health, due to complications of type 2 diabetes.          Charls was very devoted to the study…

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Call for papers: Social Semiotics, Issue 5, 2022: “Sociosemiotic Critique. A Lotmanian Perspective “

Edited by Anna Maria Lorusso (University of Bologna) and Franciscu Sedda (University of Cagliari) In 2022 – the centenary of the birth of Juri Lotman – we invite you to focus on the potentiality of his semiotic theory (including ideas of as personality, translation, creolization, autocommunication, self-description, semiosphere) to critique power structures and ideological processes in semiosic…

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CiSS Urbino Seminari 2021 + Tavole rotonde (6 – 10 Settembre 2021)

SEMINARI DI SEMIOTICA URBINO UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI “CARLO BO” 6 – 10 SETTEMBRE 2021 DALLE 9, SALA CINEMA, VIA SAFFI 15. The event can be followed online with this link: Link for the full program and abstracts:

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Call for papers: Carte Semiotiche – Annali 8, “Fotografia analogica e fotografia digitale: un riesame”

Carte Semiotiche è una rivista di semiotica e teoria dell’immagine a carattere internazionale e interdisciplinare, incentrata sulle immagini e i loro modi di produzione del senso. La rivista vuole essere un luogo di riflessione per accogliere e incoraggiare la pluralità di punti di vista sulla dimensione visiva e sensibile dei linguaggi e degli oggetti culturali….

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