Post-doctorat ULiège – Digital Art History

Cher.e.s collègues, Le Centre de Sémiotique et Rhétorique de l’Université de Liège recrute un.e post-doctorant.e (ayant obtenu son diplôme de doctorat depuis max. 6 ans) en Digital Art History pendant 1 an renouvelable 3 fois. Il s’agit d’un poste à pourvoir dans le cadre d’un projet financé par le F.R.S-Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique…

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Annonce de parution: “Six leçons sur le sens commun. Esquisse d’une théorie du discours”, de Georges-Elia Sarfati

Annonce de parution (Novembre 2021) G.-E. Sarfati Six leçons sur le sens commun. Esquisse d’une théorie du discours, Paris, L’Harmattan, Col. « Du Sens », 2021. Collections dirigée par Amir Biglari Quel statut sémio-linguistique conférer à une réalité admise comme un allant de soi ? Plusieurs disciplines sont concernées par cette recherche. Au premier chef, les sciences du…

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On the genesis of semiotics according to Algirdas Julien Greimas. The book “On imperfection” as a dialogue with the philosopher Lev Karsavin (January 22)

Care to visualize… and you will get to know more about the founder of the Parisian school of semiotics and his sources. Event times around the world January 22, 2022 / 5pm (MSK), 2pm (UTC) Lecturer: Inna Gennadievna Merkulova Commentator: Alexandre Provin Sbabo Chair: Yulia Nikitenko Meeting room: Stream link: Inna Gennadievna Merkulova is Associate Professor, Founder and…

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Call for papers: Special issue of Chinese Semiotic Studies – “The visage as text. Physiognomy, Semiotics, and Face-Reading from Antiquity to Artificial Intelligence” (Remo Gramigna and Massimo Leone, Editors)

THE VISAGE AS TEXT Physiognomy, Semiotics, and Face-Readingfrom Antiquity to Artificial Intelligence Corresponding editor, Remo Gramigna: (University of Turin), Turin, Italy, E-mail: Editor, Massimo Leone: (University of Turin, University of Shanghai, Cambridge University, Bruno Kessler Foundation), Turin, Italy, E-mail: This call results from a project that has received funding from the European Research…

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The Enchantment of “De-Sign”: Navigation Toward Meaning-Making, by Farouk Y. Seif (January 11, 11 a.m. (PST)

Join us… and discover new meanings all through the world of signs. Event times around the world Homepage: Auditorium:… January 11, 2022 / 11 am (PST), 7 pm (UTC) Lecturer: Farouk Y. Seif Commentator: Mauricio Neubern Chair: William Passarini Meeting room: Stream link: Farouk Y. Seif, PhD, is Professor Emeritus at…

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Registration deadline for the congress “Juri Lotman’s Semiosphere” is approaching

The congress “Juri Lotman’s Semiosphere” registration is now open last days up to 15 January 2022. The congress will take place on-site in Tallinn and Tartu (Estonia) on February 25–28, 2022. There will be a rich program with more than forty thematic sections and Aleida Assmann, Mieke Bal, Boriss Uspenski, Yuri Tsivian, and Boris Gasparov…

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Extended and Last Call for Papers: 4th International Conference on Semiotics and Visual Communication (17 June – 19 June 2022, Cyprus University of Technology, Lemesos)

Extended Call for Papers: Deadline 31 March 2022 Conference website: The Organizing Committee of SVC has been closely monitoring the developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as the health and safety of the conference’s participants remains our first priority. Given these unprecedented circumstances we have taken the difficult decision to postpone the 2020 conference,…

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Call for papers for the next issue of Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication The advent of the internet and digital technologies in general has wrought deep changes to the socio-cultural tissue in almost every part of the world. Predigital cultural works and phenomena live a new digital life, remediated in interactive form. The media…

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New issue of Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication: “Digital Gastromania”

Volume III–IV 2020/21 Free access of the book ISSN (Print) 2603-3585ISSN (Online) 2603-3593© New Bulgarian University, 2021 INTRODUCTION – SEMIOTICS OF DIGITAL GASTROMANIA Kristian Bankov, Francesco Mangiapane …………………………………. 7 VEGANISM 2.0: GASTROMANIA, NUTRITION, AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Simona Stano …………………………………………………………………………. 12 #FOODPORN: FETISHIZED SHARING OF FOOD AND ITS IMAGES Francesco Piluso …………………………………………………………………….. 31 GASTROMANIAC. HOW (FOOD)…

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Appel à Communication: Journées d’étude – Le réel et la bande dessinée (Axe sémiotique & SIC)

Chères et chers collègues, Veuillez trouver ci-joint un appel à communication pour des  journées d’étude sur « Le réel dans la bande dessinée », comportant un axe sémiotique et SIC. Merci de diffuser cet appel largement. Bien cordialementNicolas COUEGNAS —————— Appel à communicationsLE RÉEL ET LA BANDE DESSINÉEJournées d’étude – le 19 mai après-midi et le 20 mai matin à La Rochelle.UNIVERSITÉS…

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