Call for papers: revue Estudos semioticos, “Sémiotique plastique: limites et expansions. Hommage à Jean-Marie Floch” coordonné par Lucia Teixeira et Anne Beyaert-Geslin

Cher.e.s collègues, J’ai le plaisir de diffuser cet appel à contribution de la revue brésilienne Estudos Semioticos intitulé “Sémiotique plastique: limites et expansions. Hommage à Jean-Marie Floch” coordonné par Lucia Teixeira (Université Fédérale Fluminense) et moi-même. Les articles peuvent être rédigés en portugais, français et anglais langues de l’AAC), mais aussi en espagnol et italien….

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New issue: DeSignis, 36 “Semiosis y feminismos: teorías feministas y del discurso”, edited by Cristina Peñamarín, Beatriz Amman and Elizabeth Parra, with the collaboration of Pampa Aran.

Dear colleagues from the IASS-AIS, It is with great pleasure that deSignis, the journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics (FELS), announces the online publication of its 36th issue, dedicated to feminism. With the title ‘Semiosis y feminismos. Teorías feministas y del discurso’ [Semiosis and Feminisms. Feminist and Discourse Theories], the issue was edited…

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“Ens intentionale” and “ens ut verum”: Traveling with John Deely Beyond Non-Being (May 14)

Ascend… and embark on a journey of ages across physical and mental sights of one and the same being. Event times around the world May 14, 2022 / 2pm (ET), 7pm (UTC+1h) In this session a previously unreleased pre-recorded presentation will be streamed. Lecturer: Matthew Minerd Stream link: A Ruthenian Catholic, husband, and father,…

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Umberto Eco and the semiotic quest for truth (May 14)

Let it echo… and spot truth standing in the bosom of whatever may harbor deceit. Event times around the world ZOOM: IO2S ⚘ Umberto Eco and the semiotic quest for truth May 14, 2022 / 5pm (CEST), 4pm (UTC+1h) Lecturer: Anna Maria Lorusso Commentator: Bujar Hoxha Chair: Yulia Nikitenko Meeting room: Stream link:…

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Call for papers: Semiotic Society of America 46th Conference 2021 (Virtual) “Intentionality and Semiotic Labyrinths” (October 12-16, 2022)

The theme for this year’s conference is Intentionality and Semiotic Labyrinths. Intentionality has typically been regarded as central to the process of semiosis. (Indeed, in 2007 the late John Deely devoted an entire volume to this topic.) Nevertheless, the role that intentionality plays in both the creation and interpretation of signs is a complex and…

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Albert the Great’s Cenoscopic Understanding of Reality (May 7)

Face it as a learner… and refine the fundamentals of reasoning over reality with the father of the natural sciences. Event times around the world ZOOM: IO2S ⚘ Albert the Great’s Cenoscopic Understanding of Reality Lecturer: Mercedes Rubio Commentator: Gyula Klima Chair: Yulia Nikitenko Meeting room: Stream link: Mercedes Rubio is a Research…

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Nouvelle collection d’ouvrages de sémiotique : “Sémioses” (Éditions L’Harmattan)

Chères amies, chers amis, Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la création d’une nouvelle collection d’ouvrages de sémiotique : «Sémioses ». La collection “Sémioses” est une production du réseau de recherche GPS – Grand-Paris-Sémiotique, dont le slogan est : “Se repérer dans le monde du sens”. La “sémiose” désigne tout événement de sens, son surgissement,…

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Journée d’étude autour du livre de Sandra Lucbert “Personne ne sort les fusils”, Université de Liège, 12 mai

Chères et chers collègues, nous avons plaisir à vous annoncer qu’une journée d’étude autour du livre de Sandra Lucbert «Personne ne sort les fusils» aura lieu à l’Université de Liège le jeudi 12 mai. Programme disponible sur le pdf joint. Vous êtes toutes et tous les bienvenus. Bien cordialement,Driss Ablali, Sémir Badir & François Provenzano

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The forthcoming book series was announced to the members of IASS in Now this brand new series on general and applied semiotics research is up and running. Your proposals for publishing semiotic books examining all forms of meaning-making in linguistics, literature, fine arts, philosophy, biology, anthropology, folklore is functioning. We look forward to your…

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Parution du livre: “Communication, espace, image”, de Giorgia Aiello (Université de Bologne / Université de Leeds)

Cher.e.s collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous communiquer la parution de l’ouvrage Communication, espace, image de Giorgia Aiello (Université de Bologne/Université de Leeds), consacré à la communication visuelle et à l’esthétique mondialiste contemporaine, avec des analyses de corpus allant de Starbucks à Getty Images, de Magnum Photo à la Manifattura delle Arti de Bologne. Un…

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Signs and being: the role of semiotics in Heidegger’s thought (April 30)

Stick around… and you will sense the signs of an existence hurled into the luminous clearing of being. Event times around the world ZOOM: IO2S ⚘ Signs and being: the role of semiotics in Heidegger’s thought April 30, 2022 / 11am (EDT), 4pm (UTC+1h) Lecturer: Rocco Gangle Commentator: Mafalda Blanc Chair: Tim Troutman Meeting room:…

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Life sciences and the humanities (April 23)

Remain up-to-date… and acknowledge the interdisciplinary continuum that semiotics uncovers. Event times around the world ZOOM: IO2S ⚘ Life sciences and the humanities April 23, 2022 / 6pm (CEST), 5pm (UTC+1h) Lecturer: Anton Markoš Commentator: Gonçalo Santos Chair: William Passarini Meeting room: Stream link: Anton Markoš is a theoretical biologist and associate professor…

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