Call for papers: Semiotic Society of America 46th Conference 2021 (Virtual) “Intentionality and Semiotic Labyrinths” (October 12-16, 2022)

The theme for this year’s conference is Intentionality and Semiotic Labyrinths. Intentionality has typically been regarded as central to the process of semiosis. (Indeed, in 2007 the late John Deely devoted an entire volume to this topic.) Nevertheless, the role that intentionality plays in both the creation and interpretation of signs is a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon. In some cases, the intentionality displayed in semiosis might be directed to a specific goal, clearly marked in advance. In other instances, it may embody no determinate purpose or project, creating a semiotic space within which real creativity and imagination can be exercised and genuine dialogue can occur. Occupying such a space is more like making one’s way through a labyrinth than like moving from one point to another guided by a destination that is well-known and clearly preconceived. Frustration and even melancholy can characterize this labyrinthine semiosis, just as readily as the progress and the joy of achievement that accompanies fruitful communication.

Our October conference is organized around this theme, focused on the multifarious ways in which intentionality is manifested in such complex and challenging semiotic spaces. Presenters are encouraged to develop panels and submissions that consider our conference theme. As always, however, we welcome abstracts on any topic with a connection to semiotics (both theoretical and applied).

The Society is interdisciplinary and international, welcoming voices of colleagues from all disciplines and countries.

This year, once again, the Conference will be virtual, and all presentations and panels will take place online as webinars/forums/Q&A style. We will offer the possibility of synchronous meetings with Q&A and asynchronous meetings with Q&A. Arrangements will be made prior to the meeting. In synchronous meetings, participants will be responsible to ensure their technology access. (The Society cannot ensure individuals’ Zoom access for all bandwidth and platform scenarios.) Technical specifications will be sent together with the acceptance letter.

Please include the following information in your submission:

  1. Author’s name
  2. Institutional affiliation and academic status
  3. Email address
  4. Title of submission with a maximum 150-word abstract in English
  5. A maximum of six keywords

Paper presentations will be 20-25 minutes of pre-recorded video with time for Q&A in the session.

Abstracts for individual paper-presentations or panels and organized sessions (3-4 papers) must include all of the above information. There will be a poster online exposition (Format forthcoming).

Please indicate in your abstract submission if you plan to present in a language other than English. An acknowledgment of receipt of your abstract will be sent to you within two weeks from the date of submission.

Send all submissions to the EasyChair at: by July 31, 2022.

To join the Semiotic Society of America and register for the SSA 46 th Annual Conference, please visit, or call Toll-Free: 1-800-444-2419 (US & Canada). We encourage early registration.

Additional Conference Information

Because of the virtual nature of papers presented at the meeting, there will be a year lapse for publication in Semiotics 2022, the Yearbook of the Semiotic Society of America. The SSA Yearbook is an annual peer-reviewed publication series sponsored by the Semiotic Society of America, providing both a timely overview of current developments in semiotic research and a regular outlet for members of the Society to publish papers on their current work. Further details and deadlines will be specified in the Annual Conference Program.

Student submissions are eligible for the Roberta Kevelson Award, which will honor the best student paper presented at the 2022 Annual Conference. Students who wish to be considered for the Kevelson Award should indicate their interest at the time of abstract submission. Full paper submissions must be uploaded to the program committee by September 20, 2022. Questions regarding the Roberta Kevelson Award should be directed to the Review Committee Chair André De Tienne at

Special Events

In addition to scheduled paper sessions, there will also be keynote and plenary speakers to be announced.


The 46 th Semiotic Society of America conference will be held October 12-16, 2022, virtually through Zoom. All events will be on Eastern Standard Time; however, all presentations will be available for viewing to registered attendees for the whole week.

Please note that in accordance with Article 4 Section 4 of the SSA Constitution: “Only Individual, Students, and Honorary members in good standing may offer papers to the Program Committee for presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society.” Membership must be in good standing at or before the time of abstract submission.

SSA Membership and Conference Registration Fees
Membership Fees:

SSA Membership Dues (Regular) – $75.00USD
SSA Membership Dues (Student) – $50.00USD

Conference Registration Fees:

Conference Registration (Regular) – $100.00USD (late registration of $125.00USD after September 3, 2022)
Conference Registration (Student) – $40.00USD (late registration of $50.00USD after September 3, 2022)

2022 Program Committee

Michael Raposa (Chair) – USA
Lindsay Clavere – USA
Joseph DeChicchis – USA
Deborah Eicher-Catt – USA
Martin Macháček – Czechia
Farouk Y. Seif – USA
Dora Ivonne Alvarez Tamayo – Mexico
Svitlana Volkova – Ukraine

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