CFP: Semiotic Society of America 41st Annual Meeting, Sept 28 – Oct 02, Delray Beach, Florida

CFP: Semiotic Society of America 41st Annual Meeting, Sept 28 – Oct 02, Delray Beach, Florida

Call For Papers
Semiotic Society of America 41
st Annual Meeting
September 28–October 2, 2016 / Delray Beach, Florida
The Semiotic Society of America welcomes abstracts on any subject with a connection to semiotics. We apply semiotic theories and insights to disciplines as diverse as anthropology, the arts, biology, cognitive science, communication, cybernetics, education, ethics, law, literary criticism, linguistics, marketing, media studies, mathematics, pedagogy, philosophy, religion, and technology.

Please visit EasyChair at:

The deadline for submission is May 8, 2016.
Only one submission per author is permitted. There is no limit on the number of times a person may Chair or Respond to a session. (If you have any problems accessing the website, please contact us <> ). Please use Times New Roman in font size 12 and include the following information in your submission:

  1. Author’s name (as it will be listed in the program)
  2. Author’s email & institutional affiliation
  3. Add other authors as indicated above
  4. At the time of submitting an organized session, the individual abstracts for each paper must be submitted
  5. Title of abstract (maximum 15 words)
  6. 150-word abstract as it will be printed in the program
  7. Keywords (maximum 6 words)

Abstracts for individual papers or panels and organized sessions (3-4 papers) must include all of the above information. Papers are for a 20-minute presentation. Early submission of abstracts and proposals is highly recommended. An acknowledgement of receipt of your abstract will be sent to you within two weeks from the date of receipt. Electronic letters of acceptance will be sent to the selected participants by June 30, 2016.

Papers presented at the meeting will also be considered for publication in Semiotics 2016, theYearbook of the Semiotic Society of America <> . The SSA Yearbook is an annual peer-reviewed publication series sponsored by the Semiotic Society of America, providing both a timely overview of current developments in semiotic research and a regular outlet for members of the Society to publish papers on their current work. Further details and deadlines will be specified in the Annual Meeting Program.

Student submissions are eligible for the Roberta Kevelson Award <> , which will honor the best student paper presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting. Students who wish to be considered for the Kevelson Award should indicate their interest in their abstract submissions, and submit their full papers to Dr. Gilad Elbom by September 1, 2016.

To join the Society and register for the conference, please visit or call: +01-434-220-3300, Toll Free: 1-800-444-2419 (US & Canada).

The 41st SSA Annual Meeting will take place at the Delray Beach Marriott Hotel, 10 North Ocean Boulevard, Delray Beach, Florida 33483. To make your room reservations, please go to the customized Group Web Link: Book your group rate for Semiotic Society of America<>  or call the Reservations Department 1-561-274-3200. We encourage you to make your reservation by August 28, 2016. After this date, it will be at the Delray Beach Marriott’s discretion whether to accept reservations, which will be subject to prevailing rates and availability. Please follow the link to Semiotic Society of America when making your registration to receive the special rate of $160.00 per night (single or double room), including complimentary guest-room wireless Internet access.

Membership and Registration Fees
Please note that in accordance with Article 4, Section 4 of the SSA Constitution: “Only Individual, Student, and Honorary members in good standing may offer papers to the Program Committee for presentation at the meeting of the Society.” Membership must be in good standing at or before the time of abstract submission.

Membership Fees:

  • SSA Membership Dues (Regular) $50.00
  • SSA Membership Dues (Student) $30.00

Conference Registration Fees:

  • Conference Registration (Regular) $175.00 (late registration $200.00 after August 21, 2016)
  • Conference Registration (Student) $80.00 (late registration $90.00 after August 21, 2016)

Meals Fee (includes the following):       $130

  • Breakfast (3 days)
  • Lunch (3 days)
  • Beverage Service (3 days)
  • Dinner Banquet (1 night)
  • Welcome Reception with hors d’oeuvres and cash bar

We look forward to welcoming you in Delray Beach

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