Séminaire de recherche: “Pour une histoire des formes de montage”

Chères et chers collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement d’un séminaire de recherche à la croisée entre sémiotique, esthétique et histoire: “Pour une histoire des formes de montage”. Il aura lieu à Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, École des Arts de la Sorbonne, 47 rue des Bergers (15e arr.), mais il est possible de le…

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Atelier de sémiotique du MICA le 16 avril

La prochaine séance de l’atelier de sémiotique du MICA aura lieu le 16avril à partir de 14h sur zoom. Nous écouterons : –  Maria Giulia Dondero, FNRS-Université de Liège : « De l’image commetexte à l’image comme écriture : les forces à l’œuvre ».–  Emmanuel Souchier, Celsa. Paris-Sorbonne : « Le numérique commeécriture : éléments…

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Eero Tarasti: Lectures on Wagner

A cycle of lectures on Richard Wagner by Eero Tarasti is completely available on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChEh-LP2WgvT8SeFbd-KQ0A/featured University of Helsinki, Oct. 29, 2020 Professor (emeritus) of Musicology Eero Tarasti Editors of the videos: Felix Siivonen (I) and Aleksi Haukka (II–VII) I Why Wagner? Background, Sources, Life II Flying Dutchman, Tannhäuser, Lohengrin III Nibelungen Ring: Myth and…

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Tenth conversation session in the IASS AIS 2020 Early Career Researchers series

The Academic Committee of Early Career Researchers is pleased to invite you to the tenth conversation session of the IASS-AIS 2020 series. The main topic of this talk will be: Biosemiotics and multiculturalism and it will be held on Tuesday, October 06th, 2020 at 10:00 (Colombia time TOC) / 16:00 (Europe time GMT+1), 17:00 (Europe time GMT+2)….

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Position for a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of the Free State (Bloemfontein, South Africa)

The Department of Linguistics and Language Practice has a position for a postdoctoral research fellow in one of the following fields of specialization: Semiotics, including intersemiotic translation and/or multimodality Biosemiotics/ecosemiotics (and the humanities) Sociology of translation Translation and development Interest candidates can contact Kobus Marais at jmarais@ufs.ac.za by 29 November 2019.

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The 2019–2020 Charles S. Peirce Society Essay Prize

The 2019–2020 Charles S. Peirce Society Essay Prize Topic: Any topic on or related to the work of Charles Sanders Peirce. Awards: $1000 cash prize; presentation at the Society’s next annual meeting, held in conjunction with the Eastern APA (in Philadelphia, PA, USA, Jan. 8–11, 2020); possible publication, subject to editorial revision, in the Transactions…

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International Summer University programme Juri Lotman and the Semiotics of Culture

Spend your summer at a university ranked in the top 1.2% of the world’s best universities. The University of Tartu in Estonia welcomes you to International Summer University. Gain an international academic experience from one of the oldest and most distinguished universities in the Baltic States. We welcome applications from all adults including university students,…

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The 2019–2020 Charles S. Peirce Society Essay Prize

The 2019–2020 Charles S. Peirce Society Essay Prize Topic: Any topic on or related to the work of Charles Sanders Peirce. Awards: $1000 cash prize; presentation at the Society’s next annual meeting, held in conjunction with the Eastern APA (in Philadelphia, PA, USA, Jan. 8–11, 2020); possible publication, subject to editorial revision, in the Transactions…

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Summer university program at University of Tartu

Summer university program at University of Tartu: Juri Lotman and the Semiotics of Culture: Contemporary Applications, July 1-12, 2019 The aim of the course is to give an introduction to Lotman’s semiotic theory of culture, its theoretical background and context as well as new developments and applications of his theory in current semiotics and cultural…

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