5th volume of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics and CFP for Vol.VI

5th volume of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics and CFP for Vol.VI

International Journal of Marketing Semiotics – 2017 – vol. 5 www.ijmarketingsemiotics.com Included in Call for papers: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics Vol.VI The International Journal of Marketing Semiotics is an open-source, double blind-reviewed academic journal that covers a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary marketing/semiotics research streams, spanning: – Conceptual approaches to the 5 P’s by drawing…

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CFP: Cognitive Semiotics

Call for Papers: Cognitive Semiotics Cognitive Semiotics, published by Mouton de Gruyter, is a platform for the study of meaning-making writ large, as it is manifested in our interactions with the surroundings in all domains, in the natural as well as in the social world, in language and other semiotic resources, as well as in…

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Journal: Sign Systems Studies 45(1-2)

Journal: Sign Systems Studies 45(1-2)

Sign Systems Studies 45(1-2), 2017 We are happy to announce the publication of the new issue of Sign Systems Studies, this time a Special issue: A. J. Greimas – a life in semiotics, guest edited by Remo Gramigna, Andrius Grigorjevas, and Silvi Salupere. The online issue is available here: http://www.sss.ut.ee/index.php/sss/index The print issue will be…

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7th and 8th issue of Southern Semiotic Review and CFP on Planetary Semiotics and Creative Arts

7th and 8th issue of Southern Semiotic Review and CFP on Planetary Semiotics and Creative Arts

Issue 7 2016 (2) / Issue 8 2017 (1) can be found at www.southernsemioticreview.net The journal also has a call for papers on themes of “Planetary Semiotics” and “Creative Arts”. These can be found online. This  journal welcomes papers with general semiotic methodology and subject matter, as well as ones with special themes. It is well…

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5th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal

5th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal

L’équipe de la revue Cygne noir est heureuse de vous annoncer la publication de son cinquième numéro, dont le thème est “sémiotique et écologie”. Ce numéro, comme les précédents, est entièrement accessible en ligne et ce, gratuitement. Suivez ce lien : http://www.revuecygnenoir.org/numero/no-5-2017-semiotique-et-ecologie Cygne noir, revue d’exploration sémiotique is a peer-reviewed journal based in Montreal, Canada…

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New issue: Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics – Volume 2, Issue 2 (2016)

We are pleased to announce the publication of the new issue (volume 2, issue 1) of Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, the online, open access journal of the Hellenic Semiotic Society. Ιssue 2.2 is devoted to “Semiotics and Fieldwork: On critical ethnographies” The articles as well as the whole issue, can be accessed/downloaded at the journal’s…

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New Book: Mimicry and Meaning: Structure and Semiotics of Biological Mimicry

Maran, Timo 2017. Mimicry and Meaning: Structure and Semiotics of Biological Mimicry. (Biosemiotics 16). Springer.   Abstract: The present book analyses critically the tripartite mimicry model (consisting of the mimic, model and receiver species) and develops semiotic tools for comparative analysis. It is proposed that mimicry has a double structure where sign relations in communication…

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Journal: Sign Systems Studies (44-4)

Sign Systems Studies 44(4), 2016 We are happy to announce the publication of the new issue of Sign Systems Studies. The online issue is available here: http://www.sss.ut.ee/index.php/sss/index Print issue is available here: http://www.tyk.ee/semiootika/00000012003 An international journal of semiotics and sign processes in culture and living nature, the journal Sign Systems Studies was established in 1964…

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CFP: Cygne noir semiotics journal

CFP: Cygne noir semiotics journal

French complete CFP follows (with pdf attached as well). Here is the English snippet : The French-speaking scientific journal of semiotics Cygne noir is now receiving at any time original paper manuscripts developing researches on signs or sharing research results linked to the semiotics field. The langage for the papers is French. Article can discuss…

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