Nouveau livre: “La cochenille, de la teinture à la peinture. Une histoire matérielle de la couleur”, de Georges Roque

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du livre de Georges Roque (CRAL-EHESS), La cochenille, de la teinture à la peinture. Une histoire matérielle de la couleur, qui vient de paraître aux Éditions Gallimard, collection « Art et Artistes ».  Le livre porte une certaine attention à la sémiotique visuelle et se positionne dans…

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Nouveau livre: “L’invention de l’autre. Le Juif, le Noir, le paysan, l’Alien”, de Anne Beyaert-Geslin

Comment la peinture, comment les œuvres que nous aimons ont-elles, jouant de leur autorité, inventé un Autre, façonné un Autre négatif, inférieur, étranger ? L’essai fait le lien entre les visual studies qui observent comment les images déterminent notre regard social, l’anthropologie, l’histoire de l’art et la sémiotique visuelle qui analysent les images elles-mêmes, pour…

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New book: Cognitive Semiotics, by Claudio Paolucci

Cognitive Semiotics provides a complete theory of a semiotic mind, showing the connections between thought, signs, representations and language Claudio Paolucci Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies University of Bologna This volume serves as a reference on the field of cognitive semantics. It offers a systematic and original discussion of the issues at the core…

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New book: New normality, new life forms: semiotics in the era of crises, Inna Merkoulova (ed.), Moscou, Russian Semiotic Almanac.

New normality, new life forms: semiotics in the era of crises (Nouvelles normalités, nouvelles formes de vie: la sémiotique en temps de crise/ Nueva normalidad, nuevas formas de vida: semiótica en la era de las crisis/ Новая нормальность, новые формы жизни: семиотика в эпоху кризисов), Inna Merkoulova (ed.), Moscou, Russian Semiotic Almanac. Collection. The book…

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Nouveau livre: La competenza esperta. Tipologie e trasmissione (Mimesis, Milano), dirigée par Gianfranco Marrone et Tiziana Migliore

Avec une grande joie, nous vous annonçons la publication de l’ouvrage collectif La competenza esperta. Tipologie e trasmissione (Mimesis, Milano),dirigée par Gianfranco Marrone et Tiziana Migliore. La couverture et le résumé sont joints. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur le lien suivant:

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Nuevo libro: “Vidas mediáticas”, de José Luis Fernández

Con mucha alegría, les informamos que ya se está distribuyendo en librerías de Argentina el nuevo libro de José Luis Fernández, Vidas mediáticas. Entre lo masivo y lo individual. En breve estará disponible la versión ebook a través de Esperamos que sea de interés y que abra nuevas posibilidades de intercambio, discusión y colaboración.

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New book: The Meanings of the Built Environment, by Federico Bellentani

This volume analyses the interpretation of the built environment by connecting analytical frames developed in the fields of semiotics and geography. It focuses on specific components of the built environment: monuments and memorials, as it is easily recognisable that they are erected to promote specific meanings in the public space. The volume concentrates on monuments…

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New Book: Theory and Methodology of Semiotics

The Tradition of Ferdinand de Saussure by Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos and Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou The book is an in-depth presentation of the European branch of semiotic theory, originating in the work of Ferdinand de Saussure. It has four parts: a historical introduction, the analysis of langue, narrative theory and communication theory.  Part I briefly presents all the semiotic…

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New Call for Chapters: Handbook of Brand Semiotics & Discourse Analysis

Target Release date: Q4 2021 (est.) Editors: Dr. George Rossolatos &  1 Co-editor (TBC) Introduction:  The market opportunity  Semiotics has exerted a paramount influence on marketing practice and research over the past 40 years. Semiotic concepts have been applied successfully to territories, such as brand and product design, packaging and advertising development and analysis. The analytical, interpretive…

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New book in Turkish: Literary Semiotics: A Theory A Practice – Meaning Production Processes

by Murat KALELİOĞLU Yazınsal Göstergebilim: Bir Kuram Bir Uygulama – Anlam Üretim Süreçleri [Literary Semitoics: A Theory A Practice – Meaning Production Processes] Purpose of this book in which theory and practice presented together is to contribute to fulfiling the need of practical sources in the field of semiotics. As well as demonstrating hypothetic information, the…

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