International Association of Visual Semiotics Bulletin, Feb 2013

AISV-IAVS International Association of Visual Semiotics  Bulletin, Feb 2013. Xme Congrès / 10° Congreso / 10th Congress (Buenos Aires 2012) The 10th Congress of the AISV-IAVS was held from September 4 to 8, 2012, at the Faculty of Law of Buenos Aires University, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the theme “Contemporary dilemmas of visuality”. Some numbers of the…

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On Youtube: Eero Tarasti lectures on music history

The lectures by Professor Eero Tarasti, University of Helsinki,  on music history are now available in the youtube, entitled “Music History: Style Periods and Aesthetics”. The lectures (7) deal with classical composers, such as J.S. Bach. W.A. Mozart, Ludwig van  Beethoven and Richard Wagner; their main works are analyzed at piano, and  connected to other…

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On Youtube: Eero Tarasti lecture course on the “European semiotics” and a roundtable about his theory of existential semiotics

The lecture course on the “European semiotics” given by professor Eero Tarasti (in English) at the Helsinki University in the autumn semester of 2010  is available  now at Helsinki University Youtube: Moreover, the roundtable about his  theory of existential semiotics in Paris, Institut finlandais, in the autumn of 2010 as well  (in French),  can…

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Göran Sonesson: “Current Issues in Pictorial Semiotics” at the Semiotics Institute Online

“The present course is intended to be a kind of state of the art description of pictorial semiotics (with some extensions to visual semiotics generally). It will present the results of some forty years of work which is largely unfamiliar to scholars in the Anglo-Saxon world, since most of the contributions were written in languages…

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Augusto Ponzio: The Dialogic Nature of Signs at the Semiotics Institute Online

Summary Lecture 1. Dialogue and Alterity Dialogue and dialogism: formal and substantial dialogue Lecture 2. Dialogue and Alterity Dialogue in “dialogue genre”, external and internal discourse, utterance, and individual word Lecture 3. Dialogue and Sign The sign as something which calls for a certain response, according to another something, i. e. the interpretant Lecture 4….

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