CFP: International Conference on Music Semiotics in Memory of Raymond Monelle

International Conference on Music Semiotics in Memory of Raymond Monelle. Establishing New Musical ‘Topics’ in the Repertoire and Popular Culture.’ Location: University of Edinburgh Music Department, United Kingdom Dates: 26-28 October, 2012 The Department of Music at The University of Edinburgh presents an international conference on Music Semiotics in memory of Professor Raymond Monelle. The…

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CFP – Michel Tournier and Otherness. Literature, Myth, Photography

Call for papers Michel Tournier and Otherness. Literature, Myth, Photography   International Conference University of Tallinn, May 18-19, 2012 Deadline for receiving abstracts: April 20, 2012 How can Otherness be conceived? How can we define our relationship with our distant and near Others? We could simply say that Otherness is conceived of as a process…

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14th International Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar on Musical Semiotics

14th International Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar on Musical Semiotics, Department of Musicology, University of Helsinki March 26-29, 2012, at Vironkatu 1, floor 3B, Helsinki Director of the Seminar: Prof. Eero Tarasti; Co-directors: Profs. Ivanka Stoianova (Paris VIII), Jean-Marie Jacono (Université de Provence) Languages:  English and French Programme: Monday March 26 :  Arrival, welcoming reception  (buffet) at Vironkatu…

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CFP: GRAMMA Journal of Theory and Criticism

CALL FOR PAPERS GRAMMA Journal of Theory and Criticism Semiotics as a Theory of Culture: Deciphering the Meanings of Cultural Texts Issue number 20, 2012 Semiotics, defined by Ferdinand de Saussure in the early years of the 20th century as the study of how sign systems function in the life of society, has become such an…

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CFP – Twelfth Annual International Gathering in Biosemiotics

Call for Papers Twelfth Annual International Gathering in Biosemiotics University of Tartu, Estonia, 17-22 July, 2012. Gatherings in Biosemiotics is the annual meeting of world scholars studying sign processes in living systems. Since 2006, it has also been an annual meeting of the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies (ISBS). In 2012, the Department of Semiotics…

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CFP – XL Congress of the Italian Association for Semiotic Studies

XL Congress of the Italian Association for Semiotic Studies Turin, September 28-30, 2012   Semiotics of Subjectivities In an époque when the meaning of subjectivities seems to be both blurring and confounding in the anonymity of social formations, the automatisms of technology, the fragmentation of networks, and the impotence of hierarchies, but also in the…

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CFP: VII Congreso Venezolano Internacional de Semiótica

  Laboratorio de Investigaciones Semióticas y Antropológicas Asociación Venezolana de Semiótica VII Congreso Venezolano Internacional de Semiótica “Cotidianidad, Educación y Comunicación” Homenaje al Dr. José Enrique Finol Segunda Convocatoria Fecha: 18 al 21 de julio de 2012 Sede: Postgrado de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, VENEZUELA La Asociación Venezolana de…

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CALL FOR PAPERS: Lexia n. 13: Semiotics of Protest: the Forms of Dissent

CALL FOR PAPERS  Lexia n. 13: Semiotics of Protest: the Forms of Dissent Lexia n. 13: Semiotica della protesta: le forme del dissenso Lexia n. 13: Sémiotique de la protestation : les formes de la dissension Lexia n. 13: Semiótica de la protesta: las formas del disenso Lexia, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCE, the Center…

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