CIRCe Segreteria scientifica e organizzativa – Via Po 18 – 10123 – Torino tel.+390116702750 e-mail: – www.unito/ Dal culto al cult
CALL FOR PAPERS: Lexia n. 13: Semiotics of Protest: the Forms of Dissent
CALL FOR PAPERS Lexia n. 13: Semiotics of Protest: the Forms of Dissent Lexia n. 13: Semiotica della protesta: le forme del dissenso Lexia n. 13: Sémiotique de la protestation : les formes de la dissension Lexia n. 13: Semiótica de la protesta: las formas del disenso Lexia, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCE, the Center…
27th INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL FOR SEMIOTIC AND STRUCTURAL STUDIES to be held in Imatra, Finland, June 8-12, 2012 We are pleased to announce the research seminars and International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies. The seminars will be organized by the International Semiotics Institute (ISI) at Imatra and open to any semiotician interested…
10th Congress of the International Association of Visual Semiotics AISV-IAVS 2012
10th Congress of the International Association of Visual Semiotics AISV-IAVS 2012 Tuesday 4 to Saturday 8, September 2012 venue: Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires Figueroa Alcorta Av. 2263 Buenos Aires, Argentina Theme of the congress: Contemporary dilemmas of visuality Call for papers: 300 to 500 words in English, Spanish or French Theme of…
Call for Papers – 11th World Congress of Semiotics
The 11th World Congress of Semiotics Call for Papers ▬▬ Global Semiotics: Bridging Different Civilizations ▬▬ Time: October 5 – 9, 2012 Location: Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China July 11, 2011 The Preparatory Committee of “The 11th World Congress of Semiotics” Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China (The official website: (Postal address: School of Foreign…
WATS: World Association for Theoretical Semiotics
WATS stands for the World Association for Theoretical Semiotics. We had a very successful organizational meeting at IASS-2009 in Coruña and now have about 20 members who are interested in developing, extending, criticizing, etc. semiotic theory and theoretical semiotics. Our officers are: President: Charls Pearson, USA Vice-President: Gu Jia-zu, PRC Secretary: Søren Brier, Denmark Director: …
Tourist Spaces Between Practices and Theories – International Conference
University of Palermo Department of Historical-Archaeological, Socio-Anthropological and Geographical Heritage Tourist Spaces Between Practices and Theories International Conference University of Palermo, July 7-8-9, 2011 Viale delle Scienze, Palermo Thursday & Wednesday: Polo Didattico, Aula 6 Saturday: Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Aula Seminari JULY 7, THURSDAY 9:30 Opening Mario Gandolfo GIACOMARRA (Dean of the…
Call for Papers of Lexia n. 11: The Semiotics of Worship
CALL FOR PAPERS download pdf: CALL FOR PAPERS LEXIA n. 11 Lexia n. 11: The Semiotics of Worship Lexia n. 11: Semiotica della preghiera Lexia n. 11: Sémiotique de la prière Lexia n. 11: Semiótica de la oración Lexia, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCE, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of…
Final Program: 26th International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies – Imatra
Download PDF: ISIProgramme Summer 2011 final 26th International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies June 5–8, 2011, Imatra, Valtionhotelli Director: Eero Tarasti, President of the ISI and the IASS/AIS PROGRAMME SEMINAR ROOMS SEMINARS: 1) Interrelationships of Arts: Narrativity and Representation in Music, Literature, Cinema, Theater and Opera 2) Semiotics of Body 3) How One…
Call for papers: Tourist Spaces – Between Practices and Theories – University of Palermo, July 7-8-9, 2011
Call for papers Tourist Spaces Between Practices and Theories International Conference University of Palermo, July 7-8-9, 2011 Deadline for receiving abstracts: June 10, 2011 This conference represents the second phase of a joint reflection, conducted by anthropologists, semioticians and geographers, on the issue of tourist theories and practices. During the first conference (Tourism belongs to…