The Charles S. Peirce International Centennial Congress Invigorating Philosophy for the 21st Century July 16–19, 2014 – University of Massachusetts Lowell In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the death of C. S. Peirce, The Charles S. Peirce Society and The Peirce Foundation invite the submission of new papers and panel proposals for The Charles S. Peirce International Centennial Congress, to be…
CFP: Signs and Society, a new journal of semiotics published by the University of Chicago Press
Call for Papers The journal is now accepting submissions for a supplementary issue, “Representing Transcendence” (Winter 2014)Students of semiosis have long realized that signs and symbols, in their “standing for” function, are normally more “evident” (perceptible, experiential) than what they represent (or re-present). In fact, one of the classic definitions of the sign stresses that they need to “reveal”…
“Representing Transcendence” Call for Papers for Supplementary Issue (Winter 2014)
Signs and Society The University of Chicago Press “Representing Transcendence” Call for Papers for Supplementary Issue (Winter 2014). Students of semiosis have long realized that signs and symbols, in their “standing for” function, are normally more “evident” (perceptible, experiential) than what they represent (or re-present). In fact, one of the classic definitions of the…
CFP: Guiyang Secondary Symposium of the China Semiotics Forum
The Call for Papers (please refer to the Chinese version for details) The Guiyang Secondary Symposium of The China Semiotics Forum (Under the auspices of the IASS) The Title: Semiotics and Modernization of Chinese Human Sciences The Place: The College of Chinese Literature and Language, the Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, China 550001 The…
Final CFP: The Eighth Conference of the Nordic Association of Semiotic Studies
Final Call for Papers and Theme Sessions of the Eighth Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS): NB: Notice that we have extended the deadline for theme session proposals to Jan 31st and we added another plenary speaker: Nicolas Fay (University of Western Australia) Sign evolution on multiple time scales We hereby…
VIII Congreso Internacional Chileno de Semiótica
CONVOCATORIA SEMIÓTICA, EDUCACIÓN Y CULTURA 9, 10 y 11 de octubre de 2013 CONVOCAN Asociación Chilena de Semiótica Universidad del Bío-Bío. Departamento de Artes y Letras PATROCINAN Universidad de Concepción. Departamento de Comunicación Social Universidad de Chile. Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen Universidad Austral de Chile. Instituto de Comunicación Social Universidad de La Frontera….
CFP: Intersemiotic translation
Intersemiotic translation 25-27 September 2013 Institute of English Studies, University of Lodz The aim of the conference is to present and discuss the most recent research on intersemiotic translation, understood broadly here as comprising transfer from one semiotic mode to another, but also as interaction between the different modes. We invite contributions from linguists, literary…
28th INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL FOR SEMIOTIC AND STRUCTURAL STUDIES to be held in Imatra, Finland, June 8–12, 2013 We are pleased to announce the research seminars and International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies. The seminars will be organized by the International Semiotics Institute (ISI) at Imatra and open to any semiotician interested in…
CFP: Lexia n.17
CALL FOR PAPERS (download PDF: Call for papers _Lexia_ 17) Lexia n. 17: How to do Things with Images Lexia n. 17: Come fare cose con le immagini Lexia n. 17: Comment faire des choses avec des images Lexia n. 17: Cómo hacer cosas con imágenes Lexia, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCE, the Center for…
SIG/ES Symposium 2012 Report
Special Interest Group for Empirical Semiotics – SIG/ES Symposium 2012 Report SIG/ES is devoted to the empirical science of semiotics and is the SSA’s oldest Special Interest Group. Our 35th Annual Symposium was very successful with more than 20 people in attendance to hear the five papers presented in two sessions. These were: Donna West: “The…