VIII Congreso Internacional Chileno de Semiótica

CONVOCATORIA SEMIÓTICA, EDUCACIÓN Y CULTURA 9, 10 y 11 de octubre de 2013 CONVOCAN Asociación Chilena de Semiótica Universidad del Bío-Bío. Departamento de Artes y Letras PATROCINAN Universidad de Concepción. Departamento de Comunicación Social Universidad de Chile. Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen Universidad Austral de Chile. Instituto de Comunicación Social Universidad de La Frontera….

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CFP: Intersemiotic translation

Intersemiotic translation 25-27 September 2013 Institute of English Studies, University of Lodz The aim of the conference is to present and discuss the most recent research on intersemiotic translation, understood broadly here as comprising transfer from one semiotic mode to another, but also as interaction between the different modes. We invite contributions from linguists, literary…

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28th INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL FOR SEMIOTIC AND STRUCTURAL STUDIES to be held in Imatra, Finland, June 8–12, 2013 We are pleased to announce the research seminars and International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies. The seminars will be organized by the International Semiotics Institute (ISI) at Imatra and open to any semiotician interested in…

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CFP: Lexia n.17

CALL FOR PAPERS (download PDF: Call for papers _Lexia_ 17) Lexia n. 17: How to do Things with Images Lexia n. 17: Come fare cose con le immagini Lexia n. 17: Comment faire des choses avec des images Lexia n. 17: Cómo hacer cosas con imágenes Lexia, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCE, the Center for…

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SIG/ES Symposium 2012 Report

Special Interest Group for Empirical Semiotics – SIG/ES Symposium 2012 Report SIG/ES is devoted to the empirical science of semiotics and is the SSA’s oldest Special Interest Group. Our 35th Annual Symposium was very successful with more than 20 people in attendance to hear the five papers presented in two sessions. These were: Donna West: “The…

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2012 WATS Symposium Report

WATS stands for the World Association for Theoretical Semiotics, an affiliated member of the IASS.  We had a very successful Second Symposium at IASS-2012 in Nanjing and now have about 30 members who are interested in developing, extending, criticizing, etc. semiotic theory and theoretical semiotics from a grounding in the empirical data.  At the Business…

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NASS VIII: Aarhus May 2013 FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS AND THEME SESSIONS OF THE EIGHTH CONFERENCE OF THE NORDIC ASSOCIATION FOR SEMIOTIC STUDIES (NASS): “SIGN EVOLUTION ON MULTIPLE TIME SCALES” We hereby invite submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentations for the Eighth Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS), to be held at…

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CFP: 12th International AIC Color Congress

CALL FOR PAPERS 12th International AIC Color Congress On behalf of the International Colour Association (AIC) the AIC 2013 organising committee invites submissions of papers or posters or interactive demonstrations on any aspect of colour. This Congress provides a unique forum bringing together researchers, academics, artists, architects, industrialists, engineers, designers, lighting experts, and business leaders….

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International Conference “Law, Space, and Religion”

Law, Religion and Space: Trends, problems, and policies in multiconfessional European cities Download pdf: Leone – European Science Foundation Conference – Hi 26 – 30 June 2013 Norrköping, Sweden Chaired by: Prof. Massimo Leone, University of Torino Co-chaired by: Prof. Richard Mohr, University of Wollongong Cities provide the spatial ground on which we play out our social interactions: cultural,…

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Aktueller Veranstaltungskalender – Oktober 2012

Lieber DGS-Vorstand, liebe Semiotiker/innen, anbei erhalten Sie den aktuellen Veranstaltungskalender der Zeitschrift für Semiotik, in dem semiotisch relevante Konferenzen, Tagungen und Symposien zusammengefasst sind. Veranstaltungsvorschläge können direkt an mich ( geschickt werden. Mit den besten Grüßen Christian Trautsch (Mitarbeiter der Arbeitsstelle für Semiotik) Download pdf: Aktuelle_Veranstaltungen_2012_Stand-Oktober_2012 Veranstaltungskalender 3.10.–6.10.12 in Frankfurt amMain Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft 2012. Thema: Spekulation….

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