CFP: Tartu Summer School of Semiotics 2017  ’Generalising gently’

CFP: Tartu Summer School of Semiotics 2017 ’Generalising gently’

Tartu Summer School of Semiotics 2017  ’Generalising gently’ August 15-18 2017, Tartu, Estonia Call for papers HOMEPAGE:  We are happy to announce the call for papers for the next Tartu Summer School of Semiotics taking place August 15-18 2017 in Tartu. The topic of TSSS 2017 is “Generalising Gently”, which addresses the central and problematic…

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CFP: 10th Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS)

Call for papers Nordic-Baltic links, networks and domains in semiotics and beyond 10th Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS) Kaunas, Lituania, June 26-30th 2017 Venue: Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities; Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. The 10th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS X) will be held…

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CFP: 15th International Congress of the German Semiotic Society (DGS). Panel: Charles S. Peirce.

15th International Congress of the German Semiotic Society (DGS) Borders and Boundaries Panel: Charles S. Peirce. Bridging the Disciplinary Boundaries of the Natural Sciences and Humanities Passau, 12.-16. September 2017. In order to fulfill its purpose the German Semiotic Society (DGS e.V.) organizes symposia, colloquia, meetings, courses and lecture series according to its thematic sections….

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Watch Live-streaming: XI International Semiotics Conference The Hellenic Semiotic Society

The Hellenic Semiotic Society is happy to announce that during its XI International Semiotics Conference “The Fugue of the five Senses: Semiotics of the Shifting Sensorium” (14-16 October, Thessaloniki) the keynote speeches can be attended by the international semiotic community through live-streaming via the Conference website:http://www.2016hellenic-semiotics.grThe program is as follows:1. Peeter Torop, “From Psychology of Art to semiotics of…

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Call for papers: Special number of Semiotica Journal – Meaningful Data

Call for papers: Special number of Semiotica: Journal of the International Association of Semiotic Studies ( Meaningful Data / Données signifiantes Guest editors / Directeurs adjoints : Dario Compagno (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) Matteo Treleani (Université de Lille 3) Le français suit l’anglais. The human and social sciences are experiencing an influx of quantitative methods which try…

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CFP: Association Française de Sémiotique – 2017 GREIMAS AUJOURD’HUI : L’AVENIR DE LA STRUCTURE

Association Française de Sémiotique – 2017 GREIMAS AUJOURD’HUI : L’AVENIR DE LA STRUCTURE SEMIOTIQUE, LANGAGES ET SOCIETE Congrès international autour du centenaire de la naissance d’A. J. Greimas (1917-1992) 2ème APPEL A COMMUNICATION Le congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique se tiendra du 30 mai au 2 juin 2017 dans les locaux et sous le patronage…

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CFP: 5th International Conference Brazilian Association for Semiotic Studies (ABES)

The Board of the Brazilian Association for Semiotic Studies (ABES) is pleased to announce its 5th International Conference, which will be held at the Universidade  Federal Fluminense (UFF), in Niterói- Rio de Janeiro, from the 4th to the 7th of April 2017. Please, access for further information about registration deadlines, conference theme, program, accommodation and tourism in the city of Niterói. We…

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13th World Congress of Semiotics IASS

13th World Congress of Semiotics IASS

Dear colleagues / Chères et chers collègues / Queridas y queridos colegas / Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen EN This is the call for papers for the 13th World Congress of Semiotics, to be held on June 26-30, 2017 at the International Semiotics Institute of Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. The congress will take place in…

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CFP: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics 2017. Special Issue: Semiophenomenology and Consuming the Experiential

CFP: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics 2017. Special Issue: Semiophenomenology and Consuming the Experiential

What? Phenomenology constitutes one of the most important and influential philosophical movements with a rich history that dates back (at least as regards its formal exposition) to Hegel. 20th C. was the age of phenomenology, one might say, that was inaugurated with Husserl’s ego-centric approach, and progressively opened up to social phenomenological perspectives. Starting with Husserl’s student and major critic…

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CFP: Semiotic Society of America 41st Annual Meeting (Deadline: Jun 19)

CFP: Semiotic Society of America 41st Annual Meeting (Deadline: Jun 19)

Call For Papers Semiotic Society of America 41st Annual Meeting September 28–October 2, 2016 / Delray Beach, Florida The Semiotic Society of America welcomes abstracts on any subject with a connection to semiotics. We apply semiotic theories and insights to disciplines as diverse as anthropology, the arts, biology, cognitive science, communication, cybernetics, education, ethics, law,…

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