3rd International Encounter of the Academy of Cultural Heritages

The 3rd International Encounter of the Academy of Cultural Heritages (ACU) at Ermoupolis, Syros (Cyclades), Greece, on Oct. 1–8, 2019. Director of the congress and Academy: Eero Tarasti; assistants Paul Forsell, Helsinki; Lazaros Papoutzis, Florina, Greece The convention consists of: ■ 15th international doctoral and postdoctoral seminar of musical semiotics (Oct. 2– 5) ■ symposium…

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International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law – IRSL Torino, 19-20 September 2019

Download: Program_IRSL2019_Torino THE REASONABLE INTERPRETER International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law – IRSL Torino, 19-20 September 2019 Location: Aula Blu, ground floor |Palazzo del Rettorato| Via Po 15, Torino September 19 Opening and registration 9:00-13:00 | SESSION 1 INTERPRETATION AND REASON IN SEMIOTICS Chair: Paolo Heritier (University of Eastern Piedmont) Massimo Leone (University of…

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IACS4, 2020: SEMIOTIC COMPLEXITIES: Theory & Analysis

Save the Date! IACS 4 2-4 July 2020 Aachen, Germany https://iacs4.signges.de https://www.rwth-aachen.de SEMIOTIC COMPLEXITIES: Theory & Analysis We are pleased to announce that the 4th conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS) will take place July 2nd- 4th, 2020, at RWTH Aachen University in Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), Germany. The IACS conference series seeks to…

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CFP: Special Issue – Language Education Policy and Semiotics

Call for papers Special Issue proposed to the International Journal Language and Semiotic Studies (LASS) Language Education Policy and Semiotics This special issue of Language and Semiotic Studies (LASS) opens the field of semiotics to Language Education Policy, in collaboration with the International Network for Language Education Policy Studies (INLEPS), an association of scholars and…

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CFP: Group session on Peircean philosophy

The Charles S. Peirce Society invites submissions for a group session at the 2020 Central Division Meeting of the APA (Chicago, IL, February 26-29, 2020). Proposals focusing on any aspect of Peircean philosophy are welcome, but we are especially interested in proposals addressing the broad topic of “Art and/or Truth.” Email abstracts of 500-700 words…

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XXIV EFSS, Culture and Communication of taste – Sozopol, Bulgaria, 1-5 September 2019

Call for Participation at the conference. Deadline 30 July. REGISTRATION FORM XXIV EFSS, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 1-5 September 2019 Talk about food is now flourishing. Topics around taste, cooking, good food, gastronomy, wine, conviviality are frequently discussed both in the old and new media. Newspapers, magazines, cinema, radio, television and the internet are chock-full of recipes,…

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CFP: Semiotics and identities in a polydialogical and transterritorial world

SEMIOTICS AND IDENTITIES IN A POLYDIALOGICAL AND TRANSTERRITORIAL WORLD 4 th, 5th and 6th of September, 2019 Institute of Communication and Image University of Chile, Campus Juan Gómez Millas Ñuñoa (Santiago, Chile) SECOND CALL Download CFP: English: Convocatoria2XICongresInternationalChilenoSemioticaINGLES(1) Spanish: Convocatoria2XI CongresoInternacionalChilenoSemiótica Portuguese: XICONGRESOINTERNACIONALCHILENOSEMIÓTICAChamada2Portugues French: XI CongreChilienInternaionaleSémiotiqueAppel2 The Chilean Association of Semiotics and the Institute of…

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Final Call for Papers: 12th Conference of the IAVS-AISV

Visual semiotics goes cognitive — Le tournant cognitif de la sémiotique visuelle —El giro cognitivo de la semiótica visual August 22 to 24, 2019, Centre for language and literature, Lund University Note: New deadline for abstract: May 15. New last date for early bird registration: June 1 Download: FCfPLund19Complete What can cognitive semiotics bring to…

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The 2019–2020 Charles S. Peirce Society Essay Prize

The 2019–2020 Charles S. Peirce Society Essay Prize Topic: Any topic on or related to the work of Charles Sanders Peirce. Awards: $1000 cash prize; presentation at the Society’s next annual meeting, held in conjunction with the Eastern APA (in Philadelphia, PA, USA, Jan. 8–11, 2020); possible publication, subject to editorial revision, in the Transactions…

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