Extended Call for Papers: Deadline 31 March 2022 Conference website: https://cyprus-semiotics.org/ The Organizing Committee of SVC has been closely monitoring the developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as the health and safety of the conference’s participants remains our first priority. Given these unprecedented circumstances we have taken the difficult decision to postpone the 2020 conference,…
Sebeok’s millennium webinar (this week – slight change)
16 December 2021SEBEOK AND EAST ASIA(commences 21.00 Nanjing; 15.00 Helsinki/Tartu; 14.00 Wroclaw; 13.00 London; 08.00 New York; 10.00 Buenos Aires) 21.00-21.30: Hongbing Yu, ‘Sebeok’s Chinese connection’ 21.30-22.00: Questions and comments. Join Zoom Meeting https://ryerson.zoom.us/j/98471349968?pwd=VTVSM0JHMGZOWmMxU0RiMHZxbG45dz09Meeting ID: 984 7134 9968 Passcode: 936968
International Open Seminar on Semiotics, a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing
We are delighted to announce the opening ceremony of the International Open Seminar on Semiotics, a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing . We would be honoured if you could join us in this exciting beginning of our mutual journey and deliver a short speech sharing your insights in semiotics…
Sebeok seminars this week
24 November 2021SEBEOK AND FINNO-UGRIC SEMIOTICS(commences 15.00 Helsinki/Tartu; 14.00 Wroclaw; 13.00 London; 08.00 New York; 10.00 Buenos Aires; 21.00 Nanjing) 15.00-15.15: Paul Cobley, ‘Opening speech’15.15-15.45: Kalevi Kull, Anti Randviir, ‘Sebeok and the Estonian connection’ 15.45-16.15: Vilmos Voigt, ‘Th. A. Sebeok the Hungarian. The road to semiotics’ 16.15-16.45: Eero Tarasti, ‘A Life for Semiotics’ 16.45-17.15: Zdzisłav Wasik, ‘Tom Sebeok’s way to…
Webinar series: Sebeok’s millennium
The International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS) is proud to present ‘Sebeok’s millenium’ – a webinar series celebrating the work of Thomas A. Sebeok 20 years after his death and 101 years after his birth. In 1999, John Deely telephoned Tom Sebeok at his Bloomington home to announce that the following year’s meeting of the…
Colloque: L’urbanité de l’art. Questions sémiotiques (22-24 juin, 2022, Bordeaux)
Chères et chers collègues,J’ai le plaisir de diffuser l’appel à communication du colloque “L’urbanité de l’art. Questions sémiotiques” qui aura lieu les 22, 23 et 24 juin 2022 à Bordeaux dans le cadre du Festival de sémiotique visuelle.Les propositions de communication (trois formats possibles) doivent nous parvenir avant le 10 novembre 2021.Au plaisir de vous accueillir à Bordeaux,Bien cordialement…
Update: 15th World Congress of Semiotics / IASS-AIS (Thessaloniki, Aug. 30 – Sept. 3, 2022)
The panel proposal stage has been concluded and an amazing number of 59 panel descriptions are now listed on the Congress website (https://www.semioticsworld.com/submissions/) offering a wide range of choices to those interested to take part in the next big meeting of the international semiotic community. Since the beginning of September, paper abstracts are submitted directly…
XLIX Congrès de l’Association Italienne de Sémiotique: “Semiotica del turismo. Cartografie, strategie, identità e disgusti” (Milan, 1-3 octobre 2021)
Chères et chers collègues, j’ai le plaisir de partager avec vous le programme du XLIX Congrès de l’Association Italienne de Sémiotique, Semiotica del turismo. Cartografie, strategie, identità e disgusti,qui aura lieu à Milan, Université IULM, du 1 au 3 octobre 2021. On pourra suivre les sessions plénières en se connectant au link de Teams: https://bit.ly/3hOYXS6 Toutes les…