Obituary for Joseph Morton Ransdell

Online obituary: A memorial service will be held this Saturday, January 8, in Lubbock,  Texas. Details are here: Obituary & Life History Joseph Morton Ransdell was born June 5, 1931 to Frances Lucille and Morton Ransdell in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He passed into eternity on December 27, 2010. He attended junior college in Edmond, Oklahoma, then…

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Under auspices of IASS: “Commemoration of Tom Sebeok on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of his birth”

The Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies at New Bulgarian University, Sofia, is organizing a Two-days seminar “Commemoration of Tom Sebeok on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of his birth”. The event will take place on 11 and 12 November 2010 at New Bulgarian University, and it is under the auspices of the IASS….

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Obituary for Richard Robin

Richard Shale Robin Richard Shale Robin 1926-2010 SOUTH HADLEY – Richard Shale Robin, Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Mount Holyoke College, passed away on October 4th. He was born in Stamford, Ct. on April 18th 1926. Richard was one of the primary advocates of the field of American philosophy, especially American pragmatism, the kind whose roots…

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Roundtable on Eero Tarasti’s new book in French in Paris on oct 27

Table ronde: Autour de la sémiotique existentielle Paris, l’Institut finlandais,  60 Rue des Ecoles, 27 octobre 2010, à 14-18 heures Eero Tarasti, l’un des leaders mondiaux de la sémiotique – pour reprendre les mots de l’Indiana University Press –, a publié l’été dernier chez l’Harmattan son nouvel ouvrage en français : Fondements de la sémiotique…

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Jacques Geninasca in Memorian

Jacques was the very first Treasurer of the IASS-AIS from its foundation in 1969 until the Palermo Congress in 1984. Following is the death notice: Estimados amigos y colegas: Tengo el triste deber de comunicarles que Jacques Geninasca profesor emérito de Historia de la Literatura Francesa desde el Renacimiento hasta la Actualidad ha fallecido en Neuchâtel…

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Jeff Bernard In Memorian

Jeff Bernard In Memorian: 12.09.1943–24.02.2010 Gloria Withalm Death Notice Dear Friends and Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is with deepest sorrow that I announce the death of our friend and colleague, my partner Jeff Bernard. Jeff passed away entirely unexpectedly after suffering a severe heart attack on Wednesday, February 24, 2010. Please find attached…

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Autour de la sémiotique existentielle Table ronde

Mercredi 21 avril de 14 h à 18 h Autour de la sémiotique existentielle Table ronde Eero Tarasti, l’un des leaders mondiaux de la sémiotique – pour reprendre les mots de l’Indiana University Press –, a publié l’été dernier chez l’Harmattan son nouvel ouvrage en français : Fondements de la sémiotique existentielle. Il s’agit d’une nouvelle phase de…

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Aniversario del Programa de Semiótica de Puebla, México.

Estimados colegas: Con gran satisfacción estamos terminando el año en que se cumple el décimo aniversario de la fundación del Programa de Semiótica y Estudios de la Significación (SeS) de la BUAP, centro de investigación y docencia adscrito a la Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Estudios de Posgrado de esta institución. El SeS fue creado a…

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The Master’s Degree Programme in Semiotics at the University of Helsinki

The Master’s Degree Programme in Semiotics is a new graduate programme hosted by the Insti-tute for Art Research at the Faculty of Arts. Participating partners at the University of Helsinki are the Department of Sociology, the Department of Slavonic and Baltic Languages and Literatures, and the Christina Institute for Women’s Studies. Close co-operation through exchange…

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