Obituary for Eliseo Verón

La Asociación Argentina de Semiótica comunica con pesar el fallecimiento de Eliseo Verón (1935 – 2014), socio fundador y primer presidente de esta asociación. Perdemos un referente, un maestro, un brazo clave para sostener la antorcha del conocimiento semiótico, pero quedan los múltiples equipos de investigación que utilizan sus enfoque y herramientas para seguir indagando sobre…

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Obituary for Pino Paioni

El director y el comité científico del CISISM (Centro Internacional de Estudios Interculturales de Semiótica y Morfología) anuncian con profundo pesar el fallecimiento del profesor Pino Paioni, un colega y un  amigo que ha dirigido durante muchos años, con competenca y coherencia,  el Centro Internacional de Semiótica y Lingüística de la Universidad de Urbino Carlo Bo. Este…

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Obituary for Décio Pignatari

On Sunday, December, 2, 2012, Décio Pignatari died of a respiratory illness in São Paulo, Brazil. He was a poet and contributed to disseminate Peirce´s semiotics in Brazil.  In the 1950´s along with Haroldo de Campos and Augusto de Campos he created the movement called “Concrete Poetry”. One of the first professors of the Post-graduate…

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Obituary for Louis Panier

Louis Panier died on October 24th, at 1 p.m. His funeral took place on saturday, october 27th, at 10 a.m., at church of Francheville le Haut, in Lyon’s suburbs. Yours. B. L. Louis Panier was a professor at the Université Lumière Lyon 2 (Science of Language Department) and researcher at CADIR (Centre pour l’analyse du discours religieux)…

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Book Realease in Nanjing: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the IASS-AIS

The Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the IASS-AIS (A Coruña) will be launched during the 11th World Congress of the IASS-AIS in Nanjing.  Culture of Communication/Communication of Culture. Culture de la Communication/Communication de la Culture. Cultura de la Comunicación/Comunicación de la Cultura. Proceedings of  the 10th World Congress of the International Association for…

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WATS: World Association for Theoretical Semiotics

WATS stands for the World Association for Theoretical Semiotics.  We had a very successful organizational meeting at IASS-2009 in Coruña and now have about 20 members who are interested in developing, extending, criticizing, etc. semiotic theory and theoretical semiotics. Our officers are: President:                    Charls Pearson, USA Vice-President:            Gu Jia-zu, PRC Secretary:                    Søren Brier, Denmark Director:                     …

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On Youtube: Eero Tarasti lecture course on the “European semiotics” and a roundtable about his theory of existential semiotics

The lecture course on the “European semiotics” given by professor Eero Tarasti (in English) at the Helsinki University in the autumn semester of 2010  is available  now at Helsinki University Youtube: Moreover, the roundtable about his  theory of existential semiotics in Paris, Institut finlandais, in the autumn of 2010 as well  (in French),  can…

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Victoria Welby and Significs: Essays for a Special Issue of Semiotica

Victoria Welby and Significs Essays for a Special Issue of Semiotica 15 April 2011 Dear colleagues and friends: Marcel Danesi, as Editor-in-Chief of Semiotica, has asked me to Guest-Edit a Special Issue on Victoria Welby, occasioned by the book I have published with Mouton (2009), Signifying and Understanding. Reading the works of Victoria Welby and…

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