CFP: The SSA 42nd Annual Meeting

CFP: The SSA 42nd Annual Meeting

THE PLAY OF SIGNS/THE SIGNS OF PLAY THE SSA 42nd ANNUAL MEETING THE UNIVERSIDAD POPULAR AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE PUEBLA (UPAEP) PUEBLA, MEXICO OCTOBER 25 – OCTOBER 29, 2017 CFP in Spanish: call for papers-spanish This year’s conference theme intends to celebrate our vibrant host country, Mexico, and the long-standing importance of the concept of play…

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CFP: Punctum 3(2), “From Theory to Methodology”.

Call for papers From Theory to Methodology Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics Editors: Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou and Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos A scientific field incorporates four levels of operations, hierarchically related and leading from the more abstract to the more concrete. The first level is that of epistemology, the integration, explicit and conscious or…

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Summer university program at the University of Tartu: Juri Lotman and the Semiotics of Culture 2017

Summer university program at the University of Tartu: Juri Lotman and the Semiotics of Culture 2017

Summer university program at the University of Tartu: Juri Lotman and the Semiotics of Culture The aim of the course is to give an intensive introduction to Lotman’s semiotic theory of culture, its theoretical background and context as well as new developments and applications of his theory in current semiotics and cultural sciences. More specific…

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Obituary for Antonino Buttita

Obituary for Antonino Buttita Following the death of Antonino Buttita, we would like to offer you the opportunity to pay your tributes to this leading Italian semiotician. Please add your personal comments below this obituary by Gianfranco Marrone. After D’arco Silvio Avalle, Maria Corti, Pino Paioni, Cesare Segre, Umberto Eco, Tullio De Mauro, Gianfranco Bettetini,…

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New Book: Mimicry and Meaning: Structure and Semiotics of Biological Mimicry

Maran, Timo 2017. Mimicry and Meaning: Structure and Semiotics of Biological Mimicry. (Biosemiotics 16). Springer.   Abstract: The present book analyses critically the tripartite mimicry model (consisting of the mimic, model and receiver species) and develops semiotic tools for comparative analysis. It is proposed that mimicry has a double structure where sign relations in communication…

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CFP: 17th Annual Gatherings in Biosemiotics — Lausanne, 6-10 June 2017

Call for Papers Seventeenth Annual Gatherings in Biosemiotics — Lausanne, 6-10 June 2017  The Scientific Advisory Committee of the 17th Gatherings in Biosemiotics invites scholars to submit abstracts of presentations centering on the sign-processes in living systems, in synchrony and diachrony.  The Gatherings in Biosemiotics are annual meetings of world scholars studying the myriad…

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Colloque International – Médiations / Médiatisation

Colloque international Jeudi 16 et 17 février 2017 Médiations/ Médiatisation Salle 662 Escalier B 6 ét. EHESS Bâtiment Le France 190 Av. de France – Paris 75013 Avec la collaboration du Laboratoire Mondes Américains, le Département Infocom IUTB de l´Université de Lille 3, la Revue latino- américaine de sémiotique et communication deSigniS et le concours…

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CFP: Tartu  Summer School of Semiotics 2017  ’Generalising gently’

CFP: Tartu Summer School of Semiotics 2017 ’Generalising gently’

Tartu  Summer School of Semiotics 2017  ’Generalising gently’ August 15-18 2017, Tartu, Estonia Reminder and 2nd Call for papers HOMEPAGE:  We are happy to announce the call for papers for the next Tartu Summer School of Semiotics taking place August 15-18 2017 in Tartu. The topic of TSSS 2017 is “Generalising Gently”, which addresses the…

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