Eero Tarasti: Lectures on Wagner

A cycle of lectures on Richard Wagner by Eero Tarasti is completely available on YouTube! University of Helsinki, Oct. 29, 2020 Professor (emeritus) of Musicology Eero Tarasti Editors of the videos: Felix Siivonen (I) and Aleksi Haukka (II–VII) I Why Wagner? Background, Sources, Life II Flying Dutchman, Tannhäuser, Lohengrin III Nibelungen Ring: Myth and…

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New Book in French: Semiotics of Forms of Life

Semiotics of Forms of Life. World of Meaning, Ways of Being by Alain Perusset A study of contemporary semiotics on how we give meaning to our experiences and reveal our ways of being. Life, be it human or animal, individual or collective, can only rely on itself to persevere and sustain itself in the world. That…

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New Book in Italian: Frammenti di un disco incantato

Frammenti di un disco incantato. Teorie semiotiche, testualità e generi musicali Gabriele Marino (Aracne Editrice 2020) La musica si offre al nostro orecchio e al nostro esserne gli interpreti bilanciando sempre quelle che sembrano essere le sue due qualità distintive e contrapposte: l’ineffabilità e la capacità di comunicare sensazioni, atmosfere, storie in maniera chirurgica. La…

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New CFP: “Meaning in Perception and the Senses”

Call for papers – the XII conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies  “Meaning in Perception and the Senses”  Vilnius University, 17–19 June, 2021   THE XII NASS CONFERENCE will be hosted by the Algirdas Julius Greimas Centre for Semiotics and Literary Theory at the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University in Vilnius, Lithuania.  The…

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Massimo Leone’s Conference: Encarar las fronteras: rostros, algoritmos, emociones

The conference will take place on October 22 at 12pm on Zoom during the International Colloquium “SPACES & EMOTIONS: passages, territorializations and borders in Latin America” (Coloquio Internacional ESPACIOS Y EMOCIONES: tránsitos, territorializaciones y fronteras en América Latina) organized by Catholic University of Argentina. Zoom link: ID de reunión: 891 4842 9315

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New CFP: Semiotics of Contagion

Semiotics of Contagion:Models and Media in a Synergistic Epidemic Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics GUEST EDITOR: Gary Genosko Semioticians, linguists, cultural theorists, communication and media thinkers have long been fascinated with scientific models. Philosophers of science have generated theories of models that address the relationships between theory, models, and the world. Today, in the time…

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New Book: The Language of Images

By Maria Giulia Dondero This book deals with two fundamental issues in the semiotics of the image. The first is the relationship between image and observer: how does one look at an image? To answer this question, this book sets out to transpose the theory of enunciation formulated in linguistics over to the visual field….

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