Commentary on Gradim’s Conference

You can openly access and download Brian Kemple’s commentary. Commentary on Gradim’s Conference A Commentary on Gradim’s “The Semiotics of John of St Thomas“ by Brian Kemple Obtain a free copy and further information via Zenodo Brian Kemple holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of St. Thomas, in Houston TX, where he wrote his…

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The contested relation to reality of “the creative treatment of actuality”: a triadic semiotic critique (July 26)

Hold on expectantly… and you will behold what remains out of sight from a threefold angle bringing together the arts and the humanities. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ The contested relation to reality July 26, 2022 / 2pm (UYT), 6pm (UTC+1h) Lecturers: Fernando Andacht Commentator: Luis de Miranda Chair: William Passarini Meeting room:…

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The 13th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies: Feeling, Skill, Knowledge (7-9, June, 2023, Helsinki, Finland):

The 13th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies focuses on the epistemologies and ontologies of signs and minds and how the processes of signification entail different aspects of feeling, skill, and knowledge.Connecting to the systemic relationality of the subject and the world, these viewpoints on doing and being, discourse and development have been…

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First Italian National Doctoral Program in Religious Studies

I am delighted to share that a NEW DOCTORAL PROGRAM is born: the first Italian National Doctoral Program in Religious Studies Here is the website: Launched by 28 universities and research centres in Italy, DREST offers 43 scholarships in 23 cities for resident fellows with one mandatory semester abroad. Deadline for Application: 25/08/2022 Massimo…

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Peirce on proper names (July 16)

Embrace this challenge… and you will realize how possible it is to impart information out of something short of a predicate. Event times around the world ZOOM: IO2S ⚘ Peirce on proper names July 16, 2022 / 6pm (CEST), 5pm (UTC+1h) Lecturers: Francesco Bellucci Commentator: Vincent Colapietro Chair: William Passarini Meeting room: Stream link:…

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Semiotics and Education: Action-Theoretical Point of View (July 9)

Seek to learn… and you will bring about changes in your skills that will facilitate a better course of action in the future. Event times around the world July 9, 2022 / 6pm (EEST), 4pm (UTC+1h) In this session a previously unreleased pre-recorded presentation will be streamed. Lecturer: Eetu Pikkarainen Stream link: Eetu Pikkarainen…

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CiSS Urbino Seminars’ Week (in presence and online) (12-16 September 2022)

Carissimi, vi invitiamo a partecipare ai seminari 2022 del Centro Internazionale di Scienze Semiotiche Umberto Eco dell’Università di Urbino. In allegato la locandina. I seminari, previsti nella settimana 12-16 settembre, saranno in modalità mista, in presenza e on line. Ci piacerebbe che foste di persona con noi, quest’anno ci sarà la possibilità di visitare il prezioso Archivio…

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Ecole de méthodologie sémiotique “Paolo Fabbri”

Chers et chers collègues,Voici un message d’Alice Giannitrapani et sa traduction. Cari amici, care amiche, questa mail per darvi notizia e invitarvi a partecipare alla prima scuola di metodologia semioica “Paolo Fabbri”, quest’anno dedicata al testo giornalistico. L’inaugurazione avverrà il prossimo 10 luglio, alle 18,30 presso il Convento San Carlo, nella cornice del piccolo borgo siciliano di Erice (Trapani)….

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Signata. Annales des sémiotiques / Annals of Semiotics – Publication Volume 13

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Nous avons le plaisir de vous communiquer la parution du volume 13 de la revue Signata. Annales des sémiotiques / Annals of Semiotics consacré au thème Modes, modalités et modalisations, disponible en open access : Le dossier est dirigé par Pierluigi Basso Fossali, Marion Colas-Blaise et Julien Thiburce, avec une introduction qui montre que les différentes…

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