Seminar: “Semiotics and City Poetics: Jakobson’s Theory and Praxis”, by Mary Coghill (13th January 2023, 16-18.00 (GMT) on Zoom)

The semiotics of urban poetics and Formalist praxis – Jakobson’s contribution to urban poetics. Analysis of the metonym is neglected in poetry. In city poetry, shifters and deictics are particular tools which provide for a city narrator and explore the city’s nature and effects – the city and the human. This is a presentation with…

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Performing Arts in a Process of Semiosis (November 4)

Walk into the maze… and you will overcome the boundaries between arts and sciences as you assume a careful perspective on the action of signs. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ Performing Arts in a Process of Semiosis November 4, 2022 / 5pm (CET), 4pm (UTC) Lecturer: Bujar Hoxha Commentator: Kay O’Halloran Chair: William…

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A semiotic analysis of philosophy as expressed in urban space: The case of ancient Greece (October 29)

Leverage your erudition… and you will be well versed in precious findings on the ways of philosophizing among the ancients in the tongue of Homer. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ A semiotic analysis of philosophy as expressed in urban space: The case of ancient Greece October 29, 2022 / 6pm (EEST), 4pm (UTC+1h)…

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CfP: Digital Transformation of Education: Semiotic and Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Digital Transformation of Education: Semiotic and Interdisciplinary Perspectives The advent of the internet and digital technologies in general has wrought deep changes to the socio-cultural tissue in almost every part of the world and societies. At the same time literacy might be seen as the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way…

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Nouvelle ouvrage collectif: “Le sensible, passion sémiotique en communication. Dialogues avec Jean-Jacques Boutaud”

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, L’ouvrage collectif consacré aux travaux de Jean-Jacques Boutaud est désormais disponible. Il réunit une vingtaine de contributeurs français et étrangers qui sont entrés en dialogue avec lui en s’appuyant sur une sélection de publications. Vous trouverez en pièces jointes, la couverture, ainsi que le sommaire de cet ouvrage édité…

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Forthcoming book: “Semiotics and city poetics. Jakobson’s theory and praxis”, by Mary Coghill (due date: 5th December 2022)

Volume 25 in the series Semiotics, Communication and Cognition [SCC] Roman Jakobson stands alone in his semiotic theory of poetic analysis which combines semiotics, linguistics and structuralist poetics. This groundbreaking book proposes methods for developing Jakobson’s theories of communication and poetic function. It provides an extensive range of examples of the kinds of Formalist praxis…

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Songbirds of the Primate World (October 15)

Look after other species… and hark to the insightful chant of nature as you magnify the focus of human perception. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ Songbirds of the Primate World October 15, 2022 / 11am (EDT), 4pm (UTC+1h) Lecturers: Baranna Baker and Sofi Berstein Commentators: Susan Mancino and Amelia Lewis Chair: Tim Troutman…

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Appel pour le colloque: “De quoi sémio est-il le nom?” (13, 14 et 15 septembre 2023)

Chères et chers collègues,  j’ai le plaisir d’annoncer l’appel à communications, ci-joint, pour le colloque « De quoi sémio est-il le nom ? L’apport des SIC à la sémiotique », qui se tiendra à l’université de Liège les 13, 14 et 15 septembre 2023. Les propositions de communication sont attendues pour le 15 décembre 2022. N’hésitez pas…

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Call for papers: DeSignis, 18 “Cocina, gusto y mediatización” (Hors serie 3)

El número 18 de deSignis, titulado “Comer, beber, hablar. Semióticas culinarias” y coordinado por Oscar Traversa (con la colaboración de Gustavo Aprea y Gastón De Lazzari), proponía en el año 2011 un enfoque semiótico de la cultura alimentaria, la gastronomía y las prácticas a ellas vinculadas. Más de diez años después, el tema se ha…

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