Southern Semiotic Review – 1st issue

The first issue of a new semiotic journal can be found at The journal responds to a perceived need and opportunity to develop a more comprehensive approach to the study of semiotics in Australia—and perhaps in other countries more distant from mainstream traditions and practices in Europe and North America.  This appears to be the…

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International Journal of Semiotics SEMAT

International Journal of Semiotics SEMAT Vol. 1 – May 2013 Content: Media Semiotics: From Digital Utterance to Perceptible Interaction, Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 2013), PP:1-14 Authors: Hasib Alkush – University Eljadida – Faculte des Lettres et des Sciences Humaine Morocco The Auto-fiction in the Work of Colette, Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 2013), PP:15-23 Authors: Stéphanie…

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IX Congreso Argentino y IV Congreso Internacional de Semiótica de la Asociación Argentina de Semiótica – 3ª Circular

IX Congreso Argentino y IV Congreso Internacional de Semiótica de la Asociación Argentina de Semiótica DERIVAS DE LA SEMIÓTICA. TEORÍAS, METODOLOGÍAS E INTERDISCIPLINARIDADES 5, 6 y 7 de setiembre de 2013 Mendoza – Argentina Universidad Nacional de Cuyo   Tercera circular Recordatorio de fecha para la presentación de resúmenes Los  resúmenes  deberán enviarse entre  el  15 de mayo  y  el  15 de…

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Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics

Τhe Hellenic Semiotics Society is currently planning to publish an online, free access, peer-reviewed international journal devoted to semiotics. The journal, named Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, will be published twice a year, in English – although submissions in French and German will be accepted as well. Punctum will be the first Greek-based international and online-only…

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Published new issue 13-14 of Lexia Journal of Semiotics

Download presentation-PDF: Massimo Leone 2013 – Lexia 13-14 Protesta Protest a cura di Massimo Leone Un vento di protesta sta scuotendo il mondo intero. È un vento che soffia da lontano, ma in questi ultimi tempi si è fatto impetuoso. Le elezioni presidenziali in Iran nel 2009, i moti di rivolta in Tunisia, Egitto, Siria, per tutto il…

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10th International Conference on Semiotics – Changing Worlds & Signs of the times

The Hellenic Semiotics Society and the University of Thessaly (The School of Humanities and the department of Architecture Engineering) are holding the 10th International Conference on Semiotics entitled ‘Changing Worlds & Signs of the Times’ in Volos, Greece, from 4 to 6 October 2013. Last extension of abstract submission of written or oral proposals by…

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IX Congreso Nacional y VI Congreso Internacional de SEMA

IX Congreso Nacional y VI Congreso Internacional de SEMA Mar del Plata, del 9 al 11 de Octubre de 2013. Más información sobre el congreso: Más información sobre SEMA: SEGUNDA CIRCULAR Nueva fecha de recepción de resúmenes: debido a la solicitud de futuros participantes, se decide realizar la postergación de la fecha límite…

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