Webinar series: Sebeok’s millennium
The International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS) is proud to present ‘Sebeok’s millenium’ – a webinar series celebrating the work of Thomas A. Sebeok 20 years after his death and 101 years after his birth.
In 1999, John Deely telephoned Tom Sebeok at his Bloomington home to announce that the following year’s meeting of the Semiotic Society of America would be dedicated to and entitled ‘Sebeok’s Century’. To this, Tom replied with characteristic wit, “Why not Sebeok’s millennium?”
Why not, indeed? Sebeok regularly thought forwards, even as much as 10,000 years into the future. He saw the role of the international semiotics community as integral to the future of humanity and, in so doing, transformed semiotics, the academy and how humans at large see the world. This webinar series will celebrate that thinking with discussions featuring Sebeok scholars and colleagues.
The five webinars, each loosely focusing on areas where Tom Sebeok was particularly influential and revered, will be as follows:
SEBEOK AND FINNO-UGRIC SEMIOTICS organised by Anti Randviir anti.randviir@ut.ee
SEBEOK AND THE AMERICAS organised by Román Esqueda roman_esqueda@yahoo.com.mx
SEBEOK AND BIOSEMIOTICS organised by Sara Cannizzaro and Timo Maran timo.maran@ut.ee
SEBEOK, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION organised by Susan Petrilli susan.petrilli@gmail.com
SEBEOK AND EAST ASIA organised by Hongbing Yu hongbing@ryerson.ca
In more detail (where available), the seminars will be as follows:
24 November 2021
(commences 15.00 Helsinki/Tartu; 14.00 Wroclaw; 13.00 London; 08.00 New York; 10.00 Buenos Aires; 21.00 Nanjing)
15.00-15.15: Paul Cobley, ‘Opening speech’
15.15-15.45: Kalevi Kull, Anti Randviir, ‘Sebeok and the Estonian connection’
15.45-16.15: Vilmos Voigt, ‘Th. A. Sebeok the Hungarian. The road to semiotics’
16.15-16.45: Eero Tarasti, ‘A Life for Semiotics’
16.45-17.15: Zdzisłav Wasik, ‘Tom Sebeok’s way to the avant-garde: from project-designer to paradigm-creator’.
17.15-17.45: Questions and comments.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 956 4022 8754
Passcode: 770442
25 November 2021 (time t.b.c.)
Alfredo Cid, ‘The influence of Thomas Sebeok in Latin American semiotics: a landscape vision’
Román Esqueda, ‘Sebeok and the silent growth of semiosis outside academia’
Questions and comments.
Zoom link to follow.
1 December 2021 (time t.b.c.)
Timo Maran, title to be confirmed
Sara Cannizzaro, title to be confirmed
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 958 9927 3013
Passcode: 641877
7 December 2021 (time t.b.c.)
Susan Petrilli, title to be confirmed
Augusto Ponzio, title to be confirmed
Dario Dellino, title to be confirmed
Questions and comments.
Zoom link to follow.
15 December 2021 (time t.b.c.)
Hongbing Yu, title to be confirmed
Speaker to be announced, title to be confirmed
Questions and comments.
Zoom link to follow.
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