Southern Semiotic Review – 1st issue


The first issue of a new semiotic journal can be found at

The journal responds to a perceived need and opportunity to develop a more comprehensive approach to the study of semiotics in Australia—and perhaps in other countries more distant from mainstream traditions and practices in Europe and North America.  This appears to be the first journal of its kind in this country, and, as a general inter-disciplinary publication, perhaps in the Southern hemisphere. This initiative will, on occasion, address themes specific to the cultures, locations and geo politics of regions of its publication.

The ‘southerly’ tag in our title is intended to connote emerging expressions of culture, and governance in our global public life as well as expressions in identity in individual and personal domains. This review journal aims to respond to the promise of semiotics at many levels – philosophical, educational, conceptual, cultural, social change and self understanding.

“Southern Semiotic Review” will have online and print versions. The initial online version will offer an exploratory approach to publication. As well as peer-reviewed papers, the journal will include works in progress and commentaries such as reviews, articles and news. Where possible, faster publication schedules for individual papers will be encouraged, and the journal plans to  mix the need for archival services as well as scheduled special issues.

The journal will maintain an inclusive and comprehensive brief, and contributions from all international scholars and writers of varied subject matters and approaches within a consensual, eclectic understanding of semiotics are invited. It is felt that wide subject matter and international contributions will assist—and indeed be necessary to develop—study in a specific region or country. The review/journal seeks to provide a repository of material in its region of the world, a digital and print footprint that will contribute to related studies generally. It seeks to provide material that is accessible to a wide audience, with integrity of content and good quality of presentation. The journal seeks to maintain an ongoing and dynamic conversation, and comments on featured and selected papers will be encouraged as suitable.

Further information can be found at

Contributions of completed papers, comments and correspondence or reviews can be sent to All inquiries will be followed up, and your contact will allow us to inform of forthcoming issues and updates.

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