On the Corposphere: Anthroposemiotics of the Body, by José Enrique Finol

Just in case anyone missed it earlier this year, this is a reminder of the first volume in the IASS/de Gruyter collaborative initiative to translate into English and publish great works in the Greimassian tradition, José Enrique Finol’s On the Corposphere.

The Foreword to the volume is available to download here.

More details about the volume can be found here and below.

On the Corposphere

Anthroposemiotics of the Body

José Enrique Finol

Volume 33 in the series Semiotics, Communication and Cognition [SCC]


About this book

The book presents and analyzes some of the most important issues related to the body seen as a rich and complex anthropological and semiotic object, capable of playing a decisive role in the meaning making processes of cultural and social life. The analysis presented in this book opens a whole set of new venues for the study of body performances and representations, and shows how the embodiment of social and cultural life shape our world. In all of its relationships and in itself, our body works in a sort of corposphere, which is, in turn, part of the semiosphere, defined by Lotman as a continuum occupied by different types of semiotic formations. It is from/in/by the body that all semiosis begins and ends; it is in its presence and absence, in its being and in its presentation amidst the lived situational life where we might discover and shape the senses of the world. Many different academic fields will find in this book deep insights about how the body is at the centre of cultural and social processes.

Foreword IX
Acknowledgements XI
Introduction: The forgotten body 1
Chapter I The knowledge of the body 3
Chapter II The Corposphere 16
Chapter III Social imaginaries, borders, and limits of the semiotics of the body 70
Chapter IV Body modalities: Space and movement, rituals and eroticism 93
Chapter V Body, aesthetics, and hedonism 138
Chapter VI Body and ritual: The structure of the gesture in public ceremonies 161
Chapter VII Myth, body, and beauty: Rituals of the Misses 170
Chapter VIII Rite and discourse: Body, disease, and death in two funeral texts 189
Chapter IX “Your Body is the Message” 211
Chapter X Body and Identity: Space, places, and territories 231
References 241

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