Journal: Sign Systems Studies 43 (4)
Sign Systems Studies 43(4), 2015
We are happy to announce the publication of the new issue of Sign Systems Studies. This time, it is a special issue on Peirce’s theory of signs, guest edited by Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen.
An international journal of semiotics and sign processes in culture and living nature, the journal Sign Systems Studies was established in 1964 by Juri Lotman (initially as Труды по знаковым системам – Σημειωτικη), and is thus the oldest international semiotic periodical. Originally (until 1992) a Russian-language series, it is now published in English, and has become a central institution in the semiotics of culture.
Starting from 1998, Sign Systems Studies is published as an international peer-reviewed journal on the semiotics of culture and nature. Issued regularly, one volume per year, it is indexed in major scientific databases. Since 2009, each volume includes four issues.
Special issue: Peirce’s theory of signs
Guest editor: Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen
Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen. Signs systematically studied: Invitation to Peirce’s theory
Francesco Bellucci. Exploring Peirce’s speculative grammar: The immediate object of a sign
Comment. Helmut Pape
Helmut Pape. C. S. Peirce on the dynamic object of a sign: From ontology to semiotics and back
Comment. Francesco Bellucci
Juuso-Ville Gustafsson. Triadism and processuality
Tyler James Bennett. The semiotic life cycle and The Symbolic Species
Mats Bergman. The highest branch of logic? On a neglected question of speculative rhetoric
Jean-Marie Chevalier. The role of emotional interpretants in Peirce’s theory of belief and doubt
Comment. Henrik Rydenfelt
Henrik Rydenfelt. Emotional interpretants and ethical inquiry
Comment. Jean-Marie Chevalier
Frederik Stjernfelt. Blocking evil infinites: A note on a note on a Peircean strategy
Marc Champagne. A less simplistic metaphysics: Peirce’s layered theory of meaning as a layered theory of being
Comment. Jean-Marie Chevalier
Nathan Houser. Being in the world
Benoit Gaultier. Some perplexities about Peirce’s “skeleton ideas”
Jelena Issajeva . Sign theory at work: The mental-imagery debate revisited
Amirouche Moktefi. Is Euler’s circle a symbol or an icon?
Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen. Recent studies on signs: Commentary and perspectives
From archive
Charles S. Peirce. Division of signs
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