Journal: Sign System Studies (44-1/2)
Sign Systems Studies 44(1-2), 2016
We are happy to announce the publication of the new issue of Sign Systems Studies. This time, it is a special issue on environmental humanities titled “Framing nature and culture”, guest edited by Lauri Linask and Riin Magnus.
An international journal of semiotics and sign processes in culture and living nature, the journal Sign Systems Studies was established in 1964 by Juri Lotman (initially as Труды по знаковым системам – Σημειωτικη), and is thus the oldest international semiotic periodical. Originally (until 1992) a Russian-language series, it is now published in English, and has become a central institution in the semiotics of culture.
Starting from 1998, Sign Systems Studies is published as an international peer-reviewed journal on the semiotics of culture and nature. Issued regularly, one volume per year, it is indexed in major scientific databases. Since 2009, each volume includes four issues.
Vol 44, No 1/2 (2016): Special issue: Framing nature and culture
Guest editors: Lauri Linask, Riin Magnus
Table of Contents
Lauri Linask, Riin Magnus. Introduction: Framing nature and culture
Ernest W. B. Hess-Lüttich. Urban discourse – city space, city language, city planning: Eco-semiotic approaches to the discourse analysis of urban renewal
Tiit Remm. Textualities of the city – from the legibility of urban space towards social and natural others in planning
Katarzyna Kaczmarczyk, Montana Salvoni. Hedge mazes and landscape gardens as cultural boundary objects
Matthew Clements. The circle and the maze: Two images of ecosemiotics
Yogi Hale Hendlin. Multiplicity and Welt
Rebecca C. Potter. The biosemiotics of Aldo Leopold
Wojciech Kalaga. Against the Frame
Pierre-Louis Patoine, Jonathan Hope. Literature as a defining trait of the human umwelt: From and beyond Heidegger
Ott Heinapuu. Agrarian rituals giving way to Romantic motifs: Sacred natural sites in Estonia
Hing Tsang. Documentary and ecosemiotics: Frames and faces in the work of Johan van der Keuken
Nelly Mäekivi, Timo Maran. Semiotic dimensions of human attitudes towards other animals: A case of zoological gardens
Ariel Gómez Ponce. Ecosemiotic aspects of zoomorphic metaphors: The human as a predator
Reviews and Notes
Ekaterina Velmezova. On semiotic (un)predictability: Tartu Summer School of Semiotics 2015
Remo Gramigna. Rethinking theoretical schools and circles in the 20th-century humanities
Kalevi Kull. Alexandr Levich (1945–2016) and the Tartu–Moscow Biosemiotic Nexus
Myrdene Anderson. My half-century saturated in semiotics: A spiralling confessional
SIGN SYSTEMS STUDIES. ISSN 1406-4243 (print), 1736-7409 (online). E-mail: sss@ut.ee. Postal address: Sign Systems Studies, Dept. of Semiotics, University of Tartu, Jakobi St. 2, 51014 Tartu, Estonia
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