VIII Congreso Internacional Chileno de Semiótica

SEMIÓTICA, EDUCACIÓN Y CULTURA   9, 10  y 11  de octubre de 2013 Ampliación del plazo de recepción de propuestas de simposio: Lunes 22 de abril de 2013 ______________________________________________________________ La Asociación Chilena de Semiótica y la Comisión Organizadora invitan a académicos e investigadores chilenos y extranjeros a participar en esta octava versión del Congreso Internacional…

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Southern Semiotic Review – new journal initiative

Southern Semiotic Review – new journal initiative It is pleasing to announce that planning for a new journal has progressed, and contributions are invited.  To be titled “Southern Semiotic Review”, the journal will have online and print versions. The initial online version will offer a progressive and dynamic approach to publication. As well as peer-reviewed…

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10th International Conference on Semiotics entitled “Changing Worlds & Signs of the times”

The Hellenic Semiotics Society and the University of Thessaly (The School of Humanities and the department of Architecture Engineering) are holding the 10th International Conference on Semiotics entitled ‘Changing Worlds & Signs of the Times’ in Volos, Greece, from 4 to 6 October 2013. Abstracts of written or oral proposals must be submitted by 15 May…

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New Book: Introduction to Peircean Visual Semiotics – Tony Jappy

Description: Contemporary culture is as much visual as literary. This book explores an approach to the communicative power of the pictorial and multimodal documents that make up this visual culture, using Peircean semiotics. It develops the enormous theoretical potential of Peirce’s theory of signs of signs (semiotics) and the persuasive strategies in which they are…

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Ph.D. course in Cybersemiotics – 12.-16. of August 2013 in Copenhagen

5 ETCS one week PhD-course in Cybersemiotics and Transdisciplinarity: Applications in linguistics, communication, semiotics, culture analysis and biosemiotics Time: 12.-16. of August  2013. Place: Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have 15, Frederiksberg (close to the centre of Copenhagen) Organized by Professor Søren Brier (CBS) – with lectures by Jesper Hoffmeyer, Fredrik Stjernfelt, Claus Emmeche, Torkild…

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IX Congreso Argentino y IV Congreso Internacional de Semiótica de la Asociación Argentina de Semiótica

IX Congreso Argentino y IV Congreso Internacional de Semiótica de la Asociación Argentina de Semiótica DERIVAS DE LA SEMIÓTICA. TEORÍAS, METODOLOGÍAS E INTERDISCIPLINARIDADES 5, 6 y 7 de setiembre de 2013 Mendoza – Argentina Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Primera circular Del 5 al 7 de septiembre se llevará a cabo, en Mendoza – Argentina, en…

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XII Musical Signification congress in Louvain/Brussels

MUSIC, SEMIOTICS, AND INTERMEDIALITY XIIth INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MUSICAL SIGNIFICATION Catholic University of Louvain Académie Royale de Belgique Louvain-la-Neuve, April 2 and 4 – 6, Brussels April 3, 2013 Organizers: Costantino Maeder (UCL) Mark Reybrouck (KULeuven) André Helbo (ULB, ARB), Eero Tarasti (University of Helsinki, President of the IASS and ICMS) Artistic Coordination: Carmela Giusto (UCL) KEYNOTES…

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XV Congreso Internacional de la AES

Con motivo del XXX aniversario de la fundación de la Asociación Española de Semiótica, el XV Congreso Internacional de la AES, Semiótica e Historia. Sentidos del tiempo, que tendrá lugar del 16 al 18 de octubre de 2013 en Burgos, propondrá una serie de actos conmemorativos. Entre ellos, una mesa redonda sobre la actualidad de la semiótica en España con todos aquellos que participaron activamente…

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Invitation to join the Founding Meeting of The International Association for Cognitive Semiotics

Invitation to join the Founding Meeting of The International Association for Cognitive Semiotics The founding meeting of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics will be held in connection with the Eighth Conference of The Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, NASS VIII, May 29th, 2013 at Aarhus University, Denmark. Cognitive semiotics is the study of meaning-making…

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2nd Multidisciplinary Summer School on Design as Inquiry

The Project “Creating Knowledge through Design and Conceptual Innovation” co-funded by the European Commission is proud to announce the 2nd Multidisciplinary Summer School on Design as Inquiry, which is taking place from 13-16 June 2013 in Helsinki, Finland hostet by Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (MET). There will also be a Pre-Summer School Workshop on 12th of June, 2013….

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