12th World congress of IASS/IAS – Sofia, 16-20 September 2014, New Bulgarian University

12th World congress of IASS/IAS “New Semiotics: between Tradition and Innovation” Sofia, 16-20 September 2014, New Bulgarian University www.semio2014.org The registration form for the congress is now available.   This is the first call for papers of the 12th World Congress of the International Association of Semiotics The strategic objective of this Congress is the expansion…

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Semiotix Bulletin XN-11 (2013)

We are pleased to send you the eleventh issue of SemiotiX – New Series. SemiotiX is an online global information bulletin that provides reports on institutions, individuals, ideas, events and publications concerning semiotics and related disciplines. The link for the Semiotix Bulletin XN-11 (2013) can be found at: http://www.semioticon.com/semiotix/ All correspondence should be addressed to…

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CFP: First International Association for Cognitive Semiotics Conference, IACS-2014

Third and Final Call for Papers First Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS) September 25-27, 2014 Lund, Sweden http://conference.sol.lu.se/en/iacs-2014 IACS-2014@semiotik.lu.se Plenary speakers Søren Brier, Copenhagen Business School Merlin Donald, Queens University Brian MacWhinney, Carnegie Mellon University Cornelia Müller, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) Raymond Tallis, University of Manchester Theme: Establishing Cognitive Semiotics Over…

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Journal: Sign System Studies vol. 41/4

Sign Systems Studies 41(4) The fourth issue of 2013 of the journal Sign Systems Studies — vol. 41(4) — publishes a series of papers on the traditions in semiotics, focusing on Lotman, Deely, Peirce, Sarailiev, and Augustine. It also publishes two articles on biosemiotics (on the perception of environment, and the concept of exaptation), and a review of Lotman-conference…

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CFP: Southern Journal of Semiotics

Southern Journal of Semiotics – Special issue: “Memory as a Representational Phenomenon ” The editors announce a Call for Papers for a special issue on memory as a representational phenomenon, broadly defined. Papers should address any aspect of memory as a semiotic system.  Topics of particular interest include: development and use of working memory, retrieval…

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CFP: Chinese Semiotic Studies

Chinese Semiotic Studies Call for Papers Number of issues: 4 issues (March issue, June issue, September issue and December issue) per year starting from 2014 Publisher: De Gruyter Website: http://css.njnu.edu.cn/ Email for submission: cssnnu@163.com President of Editorial Board: Jie Zhang Vice Presidents of Editorial Board: Bin Xin, Jiazu Gu, and Yongxiang Wang Editor-in-Chief: Yongxiang Wang Associate Editor: Linda L. Thornburg Assistant Editor: Hongbing Yu…

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Journal: Sign System Studies vol. 41

Sign Systems Studies 41(2/3) The new issue of the journal Sign Systems Studies — vol. 41(2/3) — includes a large special section on semiotics of montage as guest-edited by Tomi Huttunen. It also publishes two articles by Juri Lotman (which appear for the first time in English), and a review of the 8th Tartu Semiotics…

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1st International Congress of Numanities “ICoN”

1st International Congress of Numanities “ICoN”, International Semiotics Institute in Kaunas, Lithuania Monday 2 to Saturday 7 June, 2014. www.isisemiotics.eu/icon isisemiotics@gmail.com The congress theme is “The role of humanities in contemporary society: semiotics, culture, technologies”. Humanities have undergone a complex process of transition in research, everyday practices, policies, and educational approaches. The main goal of…

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CFP: First International Association for Cognitive Semiotics Conference, IACS-2014

Second Call for Papers First International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS) Conference, September 25-27, 2014, Lund, Sweden http://conference.ht.lu.se/iacs-2014/ The First International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS) Conference (IACS-2014) will be held in September 25-27, at Lund University, Sweden. Founded in Aarhus, Denmark, on May 29, 2013, The International Association for Cognitive Semiotics aims at the further establishment of…

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Conference in Tartu 6th Dec 2013- Estonian Semiotics Association

The Estonian Semiotics Association is celebrating its 15th anniversary with a one-day conference in Tartu on the 6th of December, 2013. The conference will focus on the analysis on Estonian current and future culture, society and environment, and also the developments and future of the discipline of Semiotics in Estonia. The conference includes presentations on musical…

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Obituary for Pino Paioni

El director y el comité científico del CISISM (Centro Internacional de Estudios Interculturales de Semiótica y Morfología) anuncian con profundo pesar el fallecimiento del profesor Pino Paioni, un colega y un  amigo que ha dirigido durante muchos años, con competenca y coherencia,  el Centro Internacional de Semiótica y Lingüística de la Universidad de Urbino Carlo Bo. Este…

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