Journée d’étude autour du livre de Sandra Lucbert “Personne ne sort les fusils”, Université de Liège, 12 mai

Chères et chers collègues, nous avons plaisir à vous annoncer qu’une journée d’étude autour du livre de Sandra Lucbert «Personne ne sort les fusils» aura lieu à l’Université de Liège le jeudi 12 mai. Programme disponible sur le pdf joint. Vous êtes toutes et tous les bienvenus. Bien cordialement,Driss Ablali, Sémir Badir & François Provenzano

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The forthcoming book series was announced to the members of IASS in Now this brand new series on general and applied semiotics research is up and running. Your proposals for publishing semiotic books examining all forms of meaning-making in linguistics, literature, fine arts, philosophy, biology, anthropology, folklore is functioning. We look forward to your…

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Parution du livre: “Communication, espace, image”, de Giorgia Aiello (Université de Bologne / Université de Leeds)

Cher.e.s collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous communiquer la parution de l’ouvrage Communication, espace, image de Giorgia Aiello (Université de Bologne/Université de Leeds), consacré à la communication visuelle et à l’esthétique mondialiste contemporaine, avec des analyses de corpus allant de Starbucks à Getty Images, de Magnum Photo à la Manifattura delle Arti de Bologne. Un…

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Signs and being: the role of semiotics in Heidegger’s thought (April 30)

Stick around… and you will sense the signs of an existence hurled into the luminous clearing of being. Event times around the world ZOOM: IO2S ⚘ Signs and being: the role of semiotics in Heidegger’s thought April 30, 2022 / 11am (EDT), 4pm (UTC+1h) Lecturer: Rocco Gangle Commentator: Mafalda Blanc Chair: Tim Troutman Meeting room:…

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Life sciences and the humanities (April 23)

Remain up-to-date… and acknowledge the interdisciplinary continuum that semiotics uncovers. Event times around the world ZOOM: IO2S ⚘ Life sciences and the humanities April 23, 2022 / 6pm (CEST), 5pm (UTC+1h) Lecturer: Anton Markoš Commentator: Gonçalo Santos Chair: William Passarini Meeting room: Stream link: Anton Markoš is a theoretical biologist and associate professor…

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New Issue and Call for papers of Punctum – International Journal of Semiotics

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Volume 7, Issue 2 of Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics devoted to ”The Social, Political and Ideological Semiotics of Comics and Cartoons” and edited by Stephan Packard and Lukas R.A. Wilde. The articles, as well as the whole of the issue, can be accessed / downloaded at…

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Colloque à Balıkesir, Turquie (16-18 juin 2022)

Bonjour, Nous invitons de présenter votre communication et/ou d’écouter les conférenciers invités. Le Cercle sémiotique de Turquie ( et l’association de la sémiotique anatolienne organise un atelier/ colloque à Balıkesir, en Turquie les 16-18 juin 2022. Nous discuterons l’avenir de la sémiotique les métiers futurs basés sur la discipline de la sémiotique etc. Nous avons…

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Forthcoming Book Series by Brill Publishers: Semiotics, Signs of the Times

Series Editor: Dinda L. Gorlée, Wittgenstein Archives, University of Bergen, Norway Semiotics: Signs of the Times is Brill’s new series devoted to the study of semiotics across disciplines. This book series starts from the general idea of semiotic signs, divided into icons, indexes, and symbols. Semiotics gives meaning to signs, sign functions, and sign processes. It is…

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Andrea Semprini – CiSS Urbino (26-27 avril, 2022)

Chères et chers collègues, j’ai le plaisir de vous convier aux deux rencontres avec Andrea Semprini (Université Lumière Lyon 2) organisées par le CiSS de Urbino:  26 avril 2022, sala Cinema, heures 16 Analizzare il branding Intervenants: Stefania Antonioni, Manolo Farci, Tiziana Migliore, Francesco Sacchetti Aula Zoom: 27 avril 2022, salle B1, heures 11 Lo sguardo sociosemiotico sulla comunicazione Intervenants: Giovanni Boccia…

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Hypnotherapy, Epistemology and Semiotics (April 9)

Take a deep breath and relax… and you will reach the optimum frequency to notice how semiotics has embraced modern science Event times around the world ZOOM: IO2S ⚘ Hypnotherapy, Epistemology and Semiotics April 9, 2022 / 1pm (BRT), 5pm (UTC+1h) Lecturer: Maurício Neubern Commentator: Paulo Alexandre e Castro Chair: Elma Berisha Meeting room:…

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Marginal spaces of the city: structures and images (April 2)

Allow yourself to wonder… and traverse shapes and shades at the rims of urban settings. Event times around the world ZOOM: IO2S ⚘ Marginal spaces of the city: structures and images April 2, 2022 / 6pm (MSK), 4pm (UTC+1h) Lecturer: Olga Lavrenova Commentator: Tiit Remm Chair: Yulia Nikitenko Meeting room: Stream link: Olga…

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Call for papers: Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique

Chers et chères Collègues, Je suis heureux de partager le lien d’un nouvel appel à contributions de la Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique, “La sémiotique juridique du visage numérique”, un numéro monographique coordonné par Gabriele Marino et par moi-même. Mes salutations cordiales, Massimo LEONE

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