Séminaire: “La circumnavigation de Magellan. Un voyage semio-anthropologique” (31 Mai, 14 et 21 Juin, 2024)

Chers collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la tenue du premier séminaire du cercle de sémio-anthropologie : « La circumnavigation de Magellan. Un voyage semio-anthropologique » qui aura lieu à l’Université Bordeaux Montaigne les 31 Mai, 14 et 21 Juin prochains.Vous trouverez en pièce-jointe toutes les informations utiles sur ces séances. Ce séminaire présenté…

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Campagne d’adhésion à l’Association Internationale de Sémiotique Visuelle / International Association for Visual Semiotics

Cher.e.s collègues, Nous avons le plaisir de vous écrire à l’occasion du renouvellement du bureau de l’Association Internationale de Sémiotique Visuelle / International Association for Visual Semiotics (AISV/IAVS) qui a eu lieu à l’Université Jorge Tadeo Lozano de Bogotá le 29 septembre dernier. Toutes les infos se trouvent ici : https://aisviavs.wordpress.com/congresses-2/bureau/Le PV de l’Assemblée Générale est disponible à cette adresse : https://aisviavs.wordpress.com/congresses-2/bureau/general-assemblies/ Nous lançons…

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Winter school: “The Semiotics of Political and Strategic Communication” (29 January – 2 February, 2024 / Tartu, Estonia)

Dear MA and Ph.D. students, The Department of Semiotics and the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at the University of Tartu in Estonia invite graduate and doctoral students to apply for the advanced winter school “The Semiotics of Political and Strategic Communication” 4 ECTS by October 30, 2023. PLACE At the Narva College of…

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2a. Scuola Estiva di Metodologia Semiotica “Paolo Fabbri”: “Retoriche della marca: branding e significazione” (3-7 luglio, 2023 / Erice, Trapani)

– – IT – – Care amiche, cari amici, il Circolo semiologico siciliano presenta la seconda edizione della Scuola estiva di metodologia semiotica Paolo Fabbri, che si terrà a Erice (TP), dal 3 al 7 luglio 2023, presso Palazzo Sales. Il tema di questa seconda edizione è Retoriche della marca: branding e significazione. La Scuola si rivolge a laureandi,…

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Online Seminar: ”Breaking the ‘glass screen’: un-gendering media practices” (15th March 2023)

Dear colleagues, We are pleased to inform you that the program for the upcoming online seminar ”Breaking the ‘glass screen’: un-gendering media practices” on 15th March 2023 by Media Semiotics Research Group of the Laboratory of Semiotics (Semiolab AUTH) is now available. You will find attached the program and the poster of the event with…

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First Italian National Doctoral Program in Religious Studies

I am delighted to share that a NEW DOCTORAL PROGRAM is born: the first Italian National Doctoral Program in Religious Studies Here is the website: https://drest.eu/ Launched by 28 universities and research centres in Italy, DREST offers 43 scholarships in 23 cities for resident fellows with one mandatory semester abroad. Deadline for Application: 25/08/2022 Massimo…

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Ecole de méthodologie sémiotique “Paolo Fabbri”

Chers et chers collègues,Voici un message d’Alice Giannitrapani et sa traduction. Cari amici, care amiche, questa mail per darvi notizia e invitarvi a partecipare alla prima scuola di metodologia semioica “Paolo Fabbri”, quest’anno dedicata al testo giornalistico. L’inaugurazione avverrà il prossimo 10 luglio, alle 18,30 presso il Convento San Carlo, nella cornice del piccolo borgo siciliano di Erice (Trapani)….

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