Lexia. Journal of Semiotics, 25–26 Virality. For an epidemiology of meaning a cura di edited by Gabriele Marino Mattia Thibault Download presentation-PDF: Lexia 25-26 – Indice e copertina Lexia – Rivista di semiotica http://www.facebook.com/lexiasemiotica

Journal: Sign Systems Studies 45 (3/4) 2017
Sign Systems Studies 45(3-4), 2017 We are happy to announce the publication of the new issue of Sign Systems Studies, this time a Special Issue: Semiotics and history: Boris Uspenskij 80, guest edited by Marek Tamm. The online issue is available here: http://www.sss.ut.ee/ The print issue will be available soon at http://www.tyk.ee/ An international journal…
CFP: Punctum 4(1), Design as Semiosis
Deadline for abstracts: December 15, 2017 Notification of acceptance of the abstract: December 31, 2017 Deadline for submission of full papers: April 30, 2018 Reviewers’ report: June 15, 2018 Final revised papers due: July 15, 2018 Publication: Volume 4, Number 1 (July 2018) CFP: Punctum 4(1), Design as Semiosis
New Issues of Semiotica: in honor of A. J. Greimas
We are pleased to announce two special issues in honor of A. J. Greimas edited by Thomas F. Broden and Stéphanie Walsh Matthews and published in Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies / Revue de l’Association Internationale de Sémiotique (Berlin: De Gruyter): Issue 214: A. J. Greimas—Life and Semiotics / La vie…

New Book: Semióticas: Materialidades, Discursividades y Culturas
The Organizer Committee from the VIII Latin American Semiotics Congress has the pleasure to share with you the book “Semióticas: Materialidades, Discursividades y Culturas” which compiles the main papers presented at the plenary conferences. This document is for public use and free circulation. Libro FELS FINAL (PDF) Comité Organizador VIII Congreso FELS-IECO-UNC Materialidades, discursividades y…
CFP: “Fake news, misinformation/disinformation, post‐truth”.
CALL FOR PAPERS: “Fake news, misinformation/disinformation, post‐truth”. Versus, journal of Semiotics and Philosophy of Language The international journal Versus (or VS, as is often known) is preparing a thematic issue about fake‐news, misinformation/disinformation and post‐truth. Versus is a Semiotic journal, dealing also with Theory and Philosophy of language, and it was founded in 1971 by…
New Issue: Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics Volume 3, Issue 1
Volume 3, Issue 1 (2017) The Fugue of the Five Senses: Semiotics of the Shifting Sensorium Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics (http://punctum.gr)
New Book: Umberto Eco sémioticien et romancier, Mohamed Bernoussi
Pionnier de la sémiotique et théoricien du langage, auteur de nombreux essais sur l’esthétique et les médias, Umberto Eco (1932, Alexandrie – 2016, Milan) a publié en 1980 son premier roman, Le Nom de la rose, un succès mondial. Cet ouvrage propose au lecteur de suivre pas à pas l’œuvre immense et variée du sémioticien,…

CFP: 6th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal
The full CFP can be found here : http://revuecygnenoir.org/contenu/appel-a-contribution The submission deadline is Nov. 1st, 2017. Download the pdf file of the full CFP: CN_appel2018
CFP: Punctum 4(1), Design as Semiosis
Call for Papers Design as Semiosis Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics Editors: Miltos Frangopoulos and Evripides Zantides Ever since Roland Barthes, back in the mid-1950s, commented on the ideological myths infusing the design of the new Citroen DS or of the cover of Paris Match, the fates of design and semiotics have…