New Book: Persona by Claudio Paolucci

Persona. Soggettività nel linguaggio e semiotica dell’enunciazione (Bompiani 2020) Per la lingua italiana, la persona è l’individuo; per l’etimologia è la maschera; per il teatro è il personaggio; per la linguistica è la categoria in cui si esprime la soggettività. E per la semiotica? La teoria dell’enunciazione dice che l’io della lingua è un messaggero…

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New Publication:Autumn Issue of Signs & Media 2020(The Bilingual Version) The exploration of semiotics is always full of vitality. It constantly expands into new theoretical fields and deepens the understanding and interpretation of its theoretical basis. In the section on “Philosophical Semiotics”, the authors revisit the thoughts and concepts of the classical semioticians to obtain…

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New Book: Mediation and Immediacy. A Key Issue for the Semiotics of Religion

Edited by: Jenny Ponzo, Robert A. Yelle,  and Massimo Leone Religion, like any other domain of culture, is mediated through symbolic forms and communicative behaviors, which allow the coordination of group conduct in ritual and the representation of the divine or of tradition as an intersubjective reality. While many traditions hold out the promise of immediate access to…

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New Book: Meaning-Making in Extended Reality. Federico Biggio, Victoria Dos Santos, Gianmarco Thierry Giuliana

A cura di Federico Biggio, Victoria Dos Santos, Gianmarco Thierry Giuliana Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality are at the center of the contemporary media scenario and the latest expressions of digital culture. These different yet alike technologies are innovating and successfully used in very different fields such as entertainment, rehabilitation, professional training, art and urban design. However, these…

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Call for papers: Lexia, 39-40, “Heritage and the City”

HERITAGE AND THE CITY – Semiotics and Politics of Cultural Memory in Urban Spaces Guest Editors: Francesco Mazzucchelli (University of Bologna), Maria Rosaria Vitale (University of Catania), Massimo Leone (University of Turin/University of Shanghai) This Special Issue of Lexia aims at bringing together articles that critically reflect, from a semiotic angle, on the relation between…

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New Issue: Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, Volume 5, Issue 2

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Volume 5, Issue 2  (2019) of Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, the online, open  access journal of the Hellenic Semiotic Society. This issue is devoted  to “Semiotics of Monuments: Politics & Form from the 20th to the 21st  century”’, edited by Lia Yoka and Federico Bellentani. The…

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New issue: DeSignis, 32 “Come back to Fashion in Internet Age”

It is with great pleasure that DeSignis, the journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics (FELS), announces the online publication of its 32nd volume. With the title ‘Volver a la Moda… en la Web’ [Come back to Fashion in Internet Age], the issue has been edited by José María Paz Gago, with the collaboration…

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Call for papers: Revista DeSignis, “Mediatización. Teorías y prácticas”

DeSignis retoma el debate iniciado con el numero Semiosis Social. La Semiotica de Eliseo Veron o sobre las condiciones de la mediatización, fenómeno societal ligado estrechamente a las sociedades de hiperproduccion e hiperconsumo mediático y las intersecciones que se producen con otros campos disciplinarios y afines a la semiótica. Desde hace al menos tres décadas…

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Call for papers: Revista DeSignis, “Semiosis y feminismos. Teorías feministas y del discurso: ensamblajes e intersecciones”

DeSignis retoma un debate iniciado hace diez años con el n°12 Traducción/Género/Poscolonialismo (2008) al que siguió el n°16 Cuerpo(s). Sexos, sentidos, semiosis (2010) a cargo de María Eugenia Olavarria, y el pionero n°19 Queers Studies. Semióticas y políticas de género (2012). DeSignis continúa la serie ‘Intersecciones’ estudiando los procesos de producción de conocimiento y de…

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Call for papers: special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics

Call for Papers Semiotics of political communication Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics Editor: Gregory Paschalidis In the last few decades the field of political communication is characterized by an increasing degree of pluralization and fluidity. The large-scale crisis of long-established political agents (e.g. traditional political parties, the European Union) has proceeded together…

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