Call for papers: Critical Arts. South-north cultural and media studies

Call for papers: Post-doctoral recruitment Critical Arts is a peer-reviewed journal publishing 6 issues a year. Three of the six numbers are reserved for general issues and single submissions. Three are allocated to theme issues. In collaboration with the National Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS), Critical Arts calls for submissions from post-doctoral researchers….

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Call for papers: LEXIA n. 43-44 (Editors: Simona Stano & Massimo Leone)

LEXIA n. 43-44 (Scopus, A-Ranked ANVUR Journal) Call for papers Ideology / Ideologia / Idéologie / Ideología Editors: Simona Stano (University of Turin) & Massimo Leone (University of Turin, Shanghai University) Lexia, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCe, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Torino, Italy, invites contributions to be…

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Publication of CSS special issue “Thomas A. Sebeok for the 21st century”

Chinese Semiotic Studies is proud to present a special issue, edited by Hongbing Yu, in memory of Thomas A. Sebeok. Sebeok was not only a master semiotician, but more importantly a grand artist in semiotics. As one of the most important contemporary figures in semiotics, linguistics, ethnology, and cultural studies, Sebeok made profound contributions to…

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Parution: “Psychanalyse et théorie du sens: Un dialogue entre la pensée de Jean Laplanche et la sémiotique”, sous la direction de Hélène Tessier

Chères et chers collègues, vient de paraître un ouvrage sur les rapports entre sémiotique et psychanalyse: Résumé Cet ouvrage ouvre le débat sur les frontières communes, les complémentarités, ainsi que sur les points de rencontre et de désaccord, entre la pensée de Laplanche et la sémiotique, plus particulièrement avec la théorie du sens, telle que présentée par François Rastier.  La sémiotique…

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Introduction to the Semiotics of Text, by Gianfranco Marrone

As part of a major collaborative initiative to translate into English and publish great works in the Greimassian tradition, the IASS and de Gruyter are proud to announce the publication of Gianfranco Marrone’s key volume, Introduction to the Semiotics of the Text. Translated by Marrone himself, the volume serves as a cogent introduction to the topic,…

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On the Corposphere: Anthroposemiotics of the Body, by José Enrique Finol

Just in case anyone missed it earlier this year, this is a reminder of the first volume in the IASS/de Gruyter collaborative initiative to translate into English and publish great works in the Greimassian tradition, José Enrique Finol’s On the Corposphere. The Foreword to the volume is available to download here. More details about the volume can be found here and…

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AAC – Images, mensonges et algorithmes. La sémiotique au défi du Deep Fake

Chers collègues, Je vous rappelle l’appel à articles pour le dossier “Images, mensonges et algorithmes. La sémiotique au défi du Deep Fake” de la revue Interfaces numériques, coordonné par moi-même. Les propositions doivent parvenir, sous forme de résumé, avant le 22 Novembre 2021. Vous trouverez une présentation du dossier en cliquant sur le lien suivant: Bien cordialement, Ludovic…

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Punctum Semiotics Monographs

The Hellenic Semiotics Society announces the launch of Punctum Semiotics Monographs, a series committed to supporting the publication of long-form monographs and edited collections in all fields of semiotic research. Aimed to highlight both original and novel themes and problematics within the semiotic discipline, it invites proposals for volumes from 30.000 up to 60.000 words, i.e.,…

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Revue Signata – Parution Chroniques 2019

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution des chroniques 2019 de la revue Signata. Annales des sémiotiques/Annals of Semiotics: Ces chroniques visent à recenser les moments forts de cette année dans de multiples pays :Brésil, Chine, Côte d’Ivoire, États-Unis, France, Iran, Italie, Luxembourg, Mexique.Elles offrent ainsi un…

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