Wanted: Book Review Editor for the Semiotic Society of America

The American Journal of Semiotics (TAJS), the scholarly journal of the Semiotic Society of America (SSA), welcomes applications for Book Review Editor. This position will support the editorial work of The American Journal of Semiotics in the following ways: assisting the TAJS editorial team in identifying books worth reviewing, soliciting publishers for a copy (print or…

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Call for papers: Revista deSignis, “Mediterráneo. Intersecciones simbólicas”

Serie Intersecciones Coordinación: Teresa Velázquez García-Talavera (LAPREC/MIM-UAB) teresa.velazquez@uab.catRicardo Carniel Bugs (LAPREC/MIM-UAB) ricardo.carniel@uab.cat Con la colaboración de: Eliseo Colón Zayas (UPR) eliseo.colon@upr.edu Fecha límite de recepción de artículos: 31 de diciembre de 2021 Ver condiciones de presentación de los artículos en http://www.designisfels.net/ Un número dedicado a las intersecciones simbólicas entre el Mediterráneo y América Latina se…

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Call for papers for a Thematic Issue: “What’s so special about faces?”, Topoi. An International Review of Philosophy

Guest editors: Marco Viola & Massimo Leone (University of Turin) Faces, or at least T-shaped face patterns, grab human beings’ attention since the very earlier days of life. And they remain the most relevant stimuli of the social environment. Possibly, since (quoting William James 1984) “the most important part of my environment is my fellow-man”,…

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Télévision 12, “Pour une éthique du regard”, dirigé par François Jost et Sylvie Pierre.

J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution le 1er avril (ce n’est pas un poisson) de Télévision 12, Pour une éthique du regard, dirigé par François Jost et Sylvie Pierre. Voici sa couverture et sa quatrième: Régulièrement, la télévision déclenche des débats de société qui s’avèrent parfois futiles (la télé-réalité traitée de « télé-poubelle…

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Call for papers: Journal of the New Techno Humanities, “Interactivity and Virtual Reality”

Journal of the New Techno Humanities Call for Papers Title: New Media, Interactive Audiences, and the Virtual. Next Generation Narratives Short title: Interactivity and Virtual Reality  Guest Editors Keyan G Tomaselli: keyant@uj.ac.zaDamien R Tomaselli: damientomaselli@gmail.comUniversity of Johannesburg Dr Keyan G Tomaselli is Distinguished Professor, Humanities Dean’s Office, University of Johannesburg, a Laureate Fellow of the International Communicology Institute,…

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Call for papers: Special Issue of Semiotica, “Semiotics of Bodily Movements in Sports, Games, and Physical Education”

Guest Editors: Raúl Martínez-Santos (Faculty of Education and Sport, University of the Basque Country, Spain)Pascal Bordes (Laboratory I3SP, Institute UFR-STAPS, EA 3625, University of Paris Descartes, France)Jaime Nubiola (Department of Philosophy, University of Navarra, Spain) Traditional games and sports constitute a remarkable semiotic field. Playing sports and games, such as tag, dodgeball, and basketball, generates…

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New Issue and Call for papers of Punctum – International Journal of Semiotics

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Volume 6, Issue 2   (2020) of Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, the online, open-access journal of the Hellenic Semiotic Society. This issue is devoted to “Semiotics of Political Communication”, edited by Gregory Paschalidis. The articles, as well as the whole of the issue, can be accessed/downloaded at the journal’s website: https://punctum.gr/…

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New issue of Chinese Semiotic Studies

Editor In Chief: Yongxiang Wang Volume 16 (2020): Issue 4 (Nov 2020) Contents Part One: Bridging the East–West Semiotic Divide — Jie Zhang & Hongbing Yu A Cultural Semiotics of Jingshen: A Manifesto – 515 — Zhong Chen & Tingting Yao The Cognitive Paradigm of Jingshen – 535 — Part Two: Cultural Signs and the Adaptation…

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Cygne noir – Revue d’exploration sémiotique. No. 8 is out!

no 8 | 2020 : Quand ego signe. Sémiotique, fantasme, fantaisie Fantasme et fantaisie partagent une même racine étymologique grecque : φαντασία et φάντασμα renvoient tous deux à l’idée d’apparition, d’image présentée à l’esprit. Tour à tour construction imaginaire, vision hallucinatoire, illusion ou rêverie, la fantaisie est aussi associée à la liberté psychique du sujet, à la…

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