In the Dictionary, Greimas and Courtés spend a few words on resemantization, explaining it as a form of retrieval of “certain partial content units, having previously been lost” and the consequent rediscovery of “their initial semantic value”. If the Two Friends, they exemplify, are initially called “Monsieur” to indicate their “usual social status”, in the…
Call for papers: Social Semiotics, Issue 5, 2022: “Sociosemiotic Critique. A Lotmanian Perspective “
Edited by Anna Maria Lorusso (University of Bologna) and Franciscu Sedda (University of Cagliari) In 2022 – the centenary of the birth of Juri Lotman – we invite you to focus on the potentiality of his semiotic theory (including ideas of as personality, translation, creolization, autocommunication, self-description, semiosphere) to critique power structures and ideological processes in semiosic…
Call for papers: Carte Semiotiche – Annali 8, “Fotografia analogica e fotografia digitale: un riesame”
Carte Semiotiche è una rivista di semiotica e teoria dell’immagine a carattere internazionale e interdisciplinare, incentrata sulle immagini e i loro modi di produzione del senso. La rivista vuole essere un luogo di riflessione per accogliere e incoraggiare la pluralità di punti di vista sulla dimensione visiva e sensibile dei linguaggi e degli oggetti culturali….
Call for papers: E|C n. 33, 2021, “Proust’s Way: Theorisations, Hybridisations, Mythologies”
Edited by Emanuela Piga Bruni (University Mercatorum, Rome), Ruggero Ragonese (University of Modena-Reggio Emilia), Marion Schmid (University of Edinburgh) “En effet, ‘reconnaître’ quelqu’un, et plus encore, après n’avoir pas pu le reconnaître, l’identifier, c’est penser sous une seule dénomination deux choses contradictoires, c’est admettre que ce qui était ici, l’être qu’on se rappelle n’est plus,…
Actes Sémiotiques, N° 125: “Sémiotique de la violence”, dirigé par Juan Alonso Aldama
Cherès amies, chers amis, Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que le numéro 125 des Actes Sémiotiques vient de paraître ( Il comporte un dossier monographique consacré à la Sémiotique de la violence dirigé par Juan Alonso Aldama, Denis Bertrand et Tarcisio Lancioni, 5 articles dans la rubrique « Recherches et analyses sémiotiques », ainsi qu’une série de comptes-rendus sur les nouveautés éditoriales en…
Call for papers: Revista Comunicación y Medios, “Semiótica e identidades en un mundo polidialógico transterritorial”
Fecha de Convocatoria Inicio: 31 de marzo de 2021Cierre: 12 de septiembre de 2021 Fecha de Publicación Enero 2022 Editores invitados Dr. Rafael del Villar Muñoz, Universidad de Chile ( Charo Lacalle, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España( Foco temático El dossier de la revista Comunicación y Medios Nº 45 (enero-junio 2022) tiene como núcleo temático…
New issue of Degrés Revue de synthèse à orientation sémiologique
Téléchargez ci-dessous l’introduction de la revue en français et en anglais Download below the introduction of the journal in French and English
Semiotica: Editorial Committee and Membership Survey
Dear colleagues, Please participate in the following survey sent by the editors of Semiotica. The survey hopes to gain insights into current and past practices with Semiotica. Most importantly, we are eager to know more about contributing authors’ and reviewers’ perception of the review process. We do know that the IASS has started preparing multi-language…
Wanted: Book Review Editor for the Semiotic Society of America
The American Journal of Semiotics (TAJS), the scholarly journal of the Semiotic Society of America (SSA), welcomes applications for Book Review Editor. This position will support the editorial work of The American Journal of Semiotics in the following ways: assisting the TAJS editorial team in identifying books worth reviewing, soliciting publishers for a copy (print or…
Call for papers: Revista deSignis, “Mediterráneo. Intersecciones simbólicas”
Serie Intersecciones Coordinación: Teresa Velázquez García-Talavera (LAPREC/MIM-UAB) teresa.velazquez@uab.catRicardo Carniel Bugs (LAPREC/MIM-UAB) Con la colaboración de: Eliseo Colón Zayas (UPR) Fecha límite de recepción de artículos: 31 de diciembre de 2021 Ver condiciones de presentación de los artículos en Un número dedicado a las intersecciones simbólicas entre el Mediterráneo y América Latina se…