Call for papers: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies, Vol. 10

The International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies, celebrating its 10 th year in operation, is an open-source, double blind-reviewed academic journal that covers a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary research streams, spanning: Conceptual approaches to the 5 P’s by drawing on different semiotic (Peircean, structuralist, post-structuralist, sociosemiotics, cultural, textual, visual, multimodal) and discourse analytic…

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Call for Papers: Language and Semiotic Studies

Dear colleagues, I’m the Editor-in-Chief of Language and Semiotic Studies (LASS), which is a peer-reviewed academic journal (ISSN: 2751-7160) co-published by Soochow University and De Gruyter Mouton. We are calling for papers for the coming issues, and we cordially invite you to submit manuscripts. All authors who submit their articles by 2026 will have an…

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Nouvelle parution: E/C – Rivista dell’Associazione Italiana Studi Semiotici, n. 34

Chères et chers collègues, Francesco Mangiapane et moi avons le plaisir d’annoncer la parution du dernier numéro de E/C, la revue de l’Association italienne de sémiotique (AISS), que nous avons eu l’honneur de coordonner. La publication est intitulée Metodo e testualità. Costruzioni analitiche e modi di fare [Méthode et textualité. Constructions analytiques et manières de faire] et…

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E/C journal No 34 (2022): Metodo e testualità. Costruzioni analitiche e modi di fare

E/C, the Journal of the Italian Association for Semiotic Studies, edited by Francesco Mangiapane and Carlo Andrea Tassinari. The main section focuses on semiotic methodology, questioning the strategic choices and intellectual paths guiding the analysis of different types of text, representative of some of the main interests of socio-, cultural and visual semiotics. The…

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Signata. Annales des sémiotiques / Annals of Semiotics – Publication Volume 13

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Nous avons le plaisir de vous communiquer la parution du volume 13 de la revue Signata. Annales des sémiotiques / Annals of Semiotics consacré au thème Modes, modalités et modalisations, disponible en open access : Le dossier est dirigé par Pierluigi Basso Fossali, Marion Colas-Blaise et Julien Thiburce, avec une introduction qui montre que les différentes…

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Call for papers: revue Estudos semioticos, “Sémiotique plastique: limites et expansions. Hommage à Jean-Marie Floch” coordonné par Lucia Teixeira et Anne Beyaert-Geslin

Cher.e.s collègues, J’ai le plaisir de diffuser cet appel à contribution de la revue brésilienne Estudos Semioticos intitulé “Sémiotique plastique: limites et expansions. Hommage à Jean-Marie Floch” coordonné par Lucia Teixeira (Université Fédérale Fluminense) et moi-même. Les articles peuvent être rédigés en portugais, français et anglais langues de l’AAC), mais aussi en espagnol et italien….

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New issue: DeSignis, 36 “Semiosis y feminismos: teorías feministas y del discurso”, edited by Cristina Peñamarín, Beatriz Amman and Elizabeth Parra, with the collaboration of Pampa Aran.

Dear colleagues from the IASS-AIS, It is with great pleasure that deSignis, the journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics (FELS), announces the online publication of its 36th issue, dedicated to feminism. With the title ‘Semiosis y feminismos. Teorías feministas y del discurso’ [Semiosis and Feminisms. Feminist and Discourse Theories], the issue was edited…

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New Issue and Call for papers of Punctum – International Journal of Semiotics

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Volume 7, Issue 2 of Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics devoted to ”The Social, Political and Ideological Semiotics of Comics and Cartoons” and edited by Stephan Packard and Lukas R.A. Wilde. The articles, as well as the whole of the issue, can be accessed / downloaded at…

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New issue: DeSignis, 35 “Cognitive Semiotics: New Paradigms”, edited by Azún López-Varela Azcárate

Dear colleagues from the IASS-AIS, It is with great pleasure that DeSignis, the journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics (FELS), announces the online publication of its 35nd issue, dedicated to cognitive semiotics. With the title ‘Semióticas cognitivas: nuevos paradigmas’’ [Cognitive Semiotics: New Paradigms], the issue was edited by Azún López-Varela Azcárate, with the…

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