CFP: Cognitive Semiotics

Call for Papers – Cognitive Semiotics Cognitive Semiotics is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal devoted to high quality research, integrating perspectives, methods and insight from cognitive science, cognitive linguistics and semiotics, and placing meaning-making into the broader context of cognitive, social, and neurobiological processes. The journal is a platform for the study of meaning-making writ large: in our interactions with…

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CFP: Lexia n. 23 – The Meaning of Conspiracy

Lexia, the international, peer–reviewed journal of CIRCE, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Torino, Italy, invites contributions to be published in issue n. 23 of the new series. The topic of the forthcoming issue is “The Meaning of Conspiracy”. Expected publication schedule of the volume: December 15, 2015: deadline for contributions January…

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Punctum 1(2) (extension of deadline)

Punctum 1(2) (extension of deadline)

Punctum is a blind peer-reviewed, on-line journal dedicated to the semiotic study of contemporary cultural texts, practices and processes, published under the auspices of the Hellenic Semiotic Society. Aspiring to provide a venue for the advancement of international semiotic scholarship, the journal is published twice a year (July & December) in English, although submissions in French and…

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REVUE CYGNE NOIR — APPEL À CONTRIBUTION Sémiotique et liberté Pour la plupart d’entre nous, chaque journée débute de la même manière : le retentissement de l’alarme du réveille-matin se fait entendre et nous tire du sommeil, signal suivi d’une décision plus ou moins éclairée, plus programmée que choisie, qui consiste en général à…

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3rd issue of Cygne noir published

3rd issue of Cygne noir published

L’équipe de la revue d’exploration sémiotique Cygne noir est heureuse de vous annoncer le lancement de son troisième numéro dont le thème est la “sémiotique des mystères”. Ce numéro, comme les précédents, est entièrement accessible en ligne et ce, gratuitement. Suivez ce lien : Cygne noir, revue d’exploration sémiotique is a blind peer-reviewed journal based…

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New Series: Semiotics of Religion

New Series: Semiotics of Religion

New sub-series of Religion and Reason SEMIOTICS OF RELIGION Editors: Massimo Leone, Fabio Rambelli, Robert Yelle Cross-fertilizing the areas of religious studies and language studies, this new series publishes works that deal with the symbolic patterns of religious cul-tures. While stressing the theoretical reading of religious phenomena, the series emphasizes placing religious beliefs and expressions…

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CFP: Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics (Volume 1, issue 2)

CFP: Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics (Volume 1, issue 2)

Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics Punctum is a blind peer-reviewed, on-line journal dedicated to the semiotic study of contemporary cultural texts, practices and processes, published under the auspices of the Hellenic Semiotic Society. Aspiring to provide a venue for the advancement of international semiotic scholarship, the journal is published twice a year (July & December)…

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CFP: Social Semiotics Journal

Social Semiotics, the Taylor and Francis journal, would like to send a general call for contributions. Since its inception in the 1980s, Social Semiotics has pursued high quality research and analysis. It has featured critical investigations of all aspects of culture, language, media and communication, publishing peer-reviewed papers that use methods from visual communication, Critical…

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