We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for a new volume of Biosemiotics . Volume 18 : A Biosemiotic Ontology by Felice Cimatti is now available on the SpringerLink web site at http://link.springer.com/ By clicking on the URLs below you can access the abstracts for each chapter. Table of Contents: Introduction Author(s)…
New Issue: Chinese Semiotic Studies Volume 14, Issue 4 (Nov 2018)
Volume 14, Issue 4 (Nov 2018) https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/css.2018.14.issue-4/issue-files/css.2018.14.issue-4.xml Frontmatter Page i Published Online: 11/10/2018 Download PDF Save Free Access In Memoriam: Eliseo Fernández Pearson, Charls Page 393 Published Online: 11/10/2018 Get Access to Full Text Save Cultural Signs and Sign Theories A Semiotic Interpretation of Online Selfie Culture Liu, Yin Page 419 Published Online: 11/10/2018 Get…
New issue: Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics 4 (1)
We are pleased to announce the publication of the issue 4 (1) of Punctum- International Journal of Semiotics, the online, open access journal of the Hellenic Semiotic Society. The articles as well as the whole of the issue, which is devoted to the ‘Design as Semiosis’, can be accessed/downloaded at the website: http://punctum.gr/
CFP: deSignis – Discurso Político contemporáneo
publicación de la Federación Latinoamericana de Semiótica Call for papers through 31 de enero de 2019 Número Discurso Político contemporáneo Coordinadores Mariano Dagatti (CONICET/UNQ-UBA) y Teresa Velázquez García Talavera (UAB) Normas de publicación de los artículos en www.designisfels.net A más de un cuarto de siglo de la señera deSignis 2, este nuevo número pretende indagar…
CFP: Linguistic Frontiers
CALL FOR PAPERS LINGUISTIC FRONTIERS We would like to invite you to consider submitting your manuscript to Linguistic Frontiers. Linguistic Frontiers is a peer-reviewed academic journal which focuses on the research and collaboration of linguistics and life sciences, mathematics and various social sciences and humanities applying formal or experimental approaches which are employed e.g. in…
New issue: deSignis 26 – Semiótica e Ideología(s)
deSignis 26 Semiótica e Ideología(s) Coordinación: Lucrecia Escudero Chauvel y Teresa Velázquez García-Talavera http://www.designisfels.net/ “Este número responde a una reflexión sobre la ideología como constructo de ideas institucionalizadas vigentes en el mundo contemporáneo por lo que la relación entre ideología y discurso será de interés. La Semiótica se ha preocupado por descubrir la ideología subyacente…
New issue: Biosemiotics. Volume 11 Number 2
Biosemiotics. Volume 11 Number 2 is now available online. Semiotic Aspects of the Extended Synthesis In this issue Introduction Introduction: a Structural and Historical Approach to Understanding Advancements in Evolutionary Theory Andrew M. Winters » Abstract » Full text HTML » Full text PDF Original Paper Semiotic Mechanisms Underlying Niche Construction Jeffrey V. Peterson, Ann Marie Thornburg, Marc Kissel, Christopher Ball & Agustín Fuentes » Abstract »…

L’équipe de la revue Cygne noir est heureuse de vous annoncer la publication de son sixième numéro, dont le thème est « En dialogue avec l’histoire ». Ce numéro, comme les précédents, est entièrement accessible en ligne et ce, gratuitement. Suivez ce lien : http://revuecygnenoir.org/numero/no-6-2018-en-dialogue-avec-lhistoire Cygne noir, revue d’exploration sémiotique is a peer-reviewed journal based in Montreal, Canada (UQAM)….

Call for papers: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies Vol.VII (2019) AND 3 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS
www.ijmarketingsemiotics.com included in Submissions for Vol. VII are accepted from now and until the end of 2019 and will be published immediately upon acceptance based on our new all-year-round publishing policy (see relevant announcements). The International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies welcomes both conceptual and applied academic research, but also provides a forum…

New issue: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics (IJMS) VOL.VI 2018
www.ijmarketingsemiotics.com http://ijmarketingsemiotics.com/journal-contents-2/ PRESS RELEASE: LAUNCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARKETING SEMIOTICS (IJMS) VOL.VI 2018 We are pleased to announce the launch of the sixth issue of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics. Table of Contents International Journal of Marketing Semiotics Vol. VI 2018 https://ijmarketingsemiotics.com/journal-contents-2/ Full contents IJMS VOL VI 2018 FULL Articles Jason…