CFP: Special Issue – Language Education Policy and Semiotics

Call for papers Special Issue proposed to the International Journal Language and Semiotic Studies (LASS) Language Education Policy and Semiotics This special issue of Language and Semiotic Studies (LASS) opens the field of semiotics to Language Education Policy, in collaboration with the International Network for Language Education Policy Studies (INLEPS), an association of scholars and…

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8th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal

Download CFP: CN_appel2020 Appel à contribution no 8 | 2020 : Quand ego signe : sémiotique, fantasme, fantaisie Dossier dirigé par Laurance Ouellet Tremblay et Simon Levesque Fantasme et fantaisie partagent une même racine étymologique grecque : φαντασία et φάντασμα renvoient tous deux à l’idée d’apparition, d’image présentée à l’esprit. Tour à tour construction imaginaire, vision hallucinatoire,…

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CFP: Lexia – Semiotics and digital marketing

A cura di / Edited by: Cinzia Bianchi, Giovanna Cosenza “Lexia”, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCe, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Turin, Italy, invites contributions to be published in the issue n. 33-34 of the new series. The topic of the forthcoming issue is “Semiotics and digital marketing”….

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CFP: Lexia – Islands

Call for Papers ISOLE / ISLANDS A cura di / Edited by: Franciscu Sedda, Paolo Sorrentino “Lexia”, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCe, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Turin, Italy, invites contributions to be published in the issue n. 35-36 of the new series. The topic of the forthcoming…

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Journal: Biosemiotics v. 12, n. 1

Biosemiotics. Volume 12 Number 1 is now available online. Signs and Communication in Mimicry In this issue Introduction to Signs and Communication in Mimicry Karel Kleisner & Timo Maran » Abstract   » Full text HTML   » Full text PDF Mimicry, Camouflage and Perceptual Exploitation: the Evolution of Deception in Nature Enrique Font » Abstract   » Full text HTML   » Full text PDF…

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New issue & CFP: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies Vol.VII (2019)

International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies Vol.VII (2019) Online first: 13 April 2019 Antonio Laurino (2019). Amongst branding, design and architecture: a semiotic analysis of ING DIRECT’s bank shops. International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies Vol. VII, pp.1-20. Submissions for Vol. VII are accepted from now and until the end of 2019 and…

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New issue: Signs & Media, Spring Issue 2019

New Publication: Signs & Media, Spring Issue 2019 We are glad to announce that New issue of Signs & Media (Spring 2019, Vol. 18) has been published recently. You are welcome to download and circulate the PDF version from our website: Editor’s note Semiotics is often regarded as a useful and impressive methodology, as…

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CFP: Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics 5 (2) dedicated to the Semiotics of Monuments.

Call for Papers Semiotics of Monuments: Politics & Form from the 20th to the 21st century Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics Editors: Lia Yoka and Federico Bellentani The culture of monuments and memorials has undergone a profound transformation since World War II. Their material form and aesthetics has changed, while their function…

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