Book: Linguistic Anthropology: A Brief Introduction

Linguistic Anthropology: A Brief Introduction, Third Edition Marcel Danesi August 2012 • 978-1-55130-489-2 • $39.95 • 268pp Anthropologists have always put language at the centre of their agenda. So too have linguists. Anthropological linguistics, the amalgam of the two disciplines, aims to document and examine how language mirrors social structure and culture-specific thought patterns. Linguistic Anthropology:…

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Book Realease in Nanjing: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the IASS-AIS

The Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the IASS-AIS (A Coruña) will be launched during the 11th World Congress of the IASS-AIS in Nanjing.  Culture of Communication/Communication of Culture. Culture de la Communication/Communication de la Culture. Cultura de la Comunicación/Comunicación de la Cultura. Proceedings of  the 10th World Congress of the International Association for…

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Book: Towards a semiotics of brand equity: Brand coherence and communicative consistency through structuralist operations and rhetorical transformations

The principal aim of the book at hand consists in a prolegomena to the construction of an innovative approach of structuralist rhetorical semiotics as a formal metalanguage and method in the form of a conceptual model, coupled with a transformative grammar and a stepwise methodology with view to addressing a crucial gap in the existing…

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Book: Sémiotique de l’âme (3 vols) – Massimo Leone

See presentation pages vol.1 in PDF: Massimo Leone 2012 – Sémiotique de l âme – Volume I – Pages de présentation (1) See presentation pages vol.2 in PDF: Massimo Leone 2012 – Sémiotique de l âme volume II – Pages de présentation See presentation pages vol.3 in PDF: Massimo Leone 2012 – Sémiotique de l âme volume III –…

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New Book: Becoming Culture – Floyd Merrell

Becoming Culture:  Semiotically Illustrated Through Guadalupe-Tonantzín Coalescence, and Other Latin American Enigmas by Floyd Merrell. This book taps into Charles Sanders Peirce’s occasional allusion to a vague, flexible form of ‘logic’. Unfortunately he did not fully develop this idea.  However, his concept of signs and pragmatic philosophy play a chief role in Becoming Culture. It…

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Wittgenstein in Translation Exploring Semiotic Signatures

Book Published: Gorlée, Dinda L. Wittgenstein in Translation Exploring Semiotic Signatures Series: Semiotics, Communication and Cognition [SCC] 9 Apart from the Tractatus, Wittgenstein did not write whole manuscripts for books, but composed short fragments. The current volume reveals the depths of Wittgenstein’s soul-searching writings – his “new” philosophy – by concentrating on ordinary language and using few…

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Book: Grammar of the Cinematic Image, Rokhsar Vakharia

Flap text of the book My question: does the cinematic image have a grammar? My hypothesis: that which is rejected leaves an indelible mark on what is selected. In exploring what makes the cinematic image ‘irreal’ (critical to both, the question and the hypothesis) an analysis of the film Yuva shows how the image is…

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New book: Performance et savoirs – André Helbo

Performance et savoirs Sous la direction d’André Helbo Avec les contributions de Paul Bouissac, Catherine Bouko, Marco De Marinis, Fernando de Toro, Josette Féral, Judith Lynne Hanna, Katia Légeret, José María Paz Gago, Richard Schechner, Jean-Pierre Triffaux et Élodie Verlinden. L’interprétation musicale, le travail de l’acteur, l’exploit sportif, l’acte de langage renvoient à des modèles d’action qui ont été…

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Victoria Welby and Significs: Essays for a Special Issue of Semiotica

Victoria Welby and Significs Essays for a Special Issue of Semiotica 15 April 2011 Dear colleagues and friends: Marcel Danesi, as Editor-in-Chief of Semiotica, has asked me to Guest-Edit a Special Issue on Victoria Welby, occasioned by the book I have published with Mouton (2009), Signifying and Understanding. Reading the works of Victoria Welby and…

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