Semiotic Ideologies. Patterns of Meaning–Making in Language and SocietyAuthor: Massimo Leone This book offers a comprehensive exploration of language and semiotic ideologies, focusing on how societies construct meaning through verbal and non-verbal communication. It distinguishes itself by adopting a novel approach that bridges linguistics, semiotics, and anthropology. The research dives into uncharted territory, shedding light…
Punctum Semiotics Monographs
VOLUME 2: Nicola Dusi and Charo Lacalle (eds.) Chernobyl Calling. Narrative, Intermediality and Cultural Memory of a Docu-fiction. (Thessaloniki: Hellenic Semiotics Society, 2024, pp. 187, ISBN 972-618-82184-4-4) Table of Contents Nicola Dusi and Charo Lacalle, Cultural memory and the transmedia semiosphere – Giorgio Grignaffini, Chernobyl: A miniseries between fiction and reality – Nicola Dusi, History, drama, retelling: Intermedial realism in…
New publication: Special issue of the journal Syn-Thèses, “Intermedial Crossovers in Audiovisual and Interactive Arts”, No. 15 (2024)
Dear colleagues, We are delighted to share the publication of the special issue No. 15 (2024) of the journal Syn-Thèses, entitled “Intermedial Crossovers in Audiovisual and Interactive Arts”. The issue is available at: Best wishesEvangelos Kourdis
New book by Fernando Andacht “Signos del imaginario cotidiano. Guía para Interpretar Nuestra Vida Mediática (2024)”
In the book are analyzed different kinds of media products (films, series, novels, mediated political discourse, Netflix series) from the theoretical perspective of Peircean semiotic. For this approach is used the theory of the social imaginary developed by Greek-French thinker Cornelius Castoriadis. The website of the Publisher, Grupo Planeta, where the eBook can be bought…
Publication of the Selected Proceedings ”Signs of Europe: discourses, mythologies, politics of representation”
Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the publication, for IASS News, of the Selected Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Semiotics ”Signs of Europe: discourses, mythologies, politics of representation”, organized by the Hellenic Semiotic Society, the School of French Language and Literature, and the Laboratory of Semiotics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)…
Nouveau parution: “Insaisissable vivant. Une sémio-anthropologie de l’art”, de Anne Beyaert-Geslin
Cher.e.s collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution de l’ouvrage d’Anne Beyaert-Geslin, Insaisissable vivant. Une sémio-anthropologie de l’art, aux Presses universitaires de Limoges (PULIM, collection Semiotica Viva). Cet essai, préfacé par Jacques Fontanille, propose un dialogue entre sémiotique, anthropologie et théories de l’art dans le but d’évaluer la capacité (ou l’incapacité) de l’art « à…
New publication: “From Mimetic Translation to Artistic Transduction: A Semiotic Perspective on Virginia Woolf, Hector Berlioz, and Bertold Brecht”, by Dinda Gorlée
Transduction is beyond translation: both retranslation and auto translation move beyond the transferal of one language to another to signify the speculative attempts to examine and execute the belief, concepts, and meaning of the level of different arts. The art of translating means the analytical exercise of transferring, rotating, and twisting one language into another…
New publication: “The hybrid face. Paradoxes of the visage in the digital era”, edited by Massimo Leone
This original and interdisciplinary volume explores the contemporary semiotic dimensions of the face from both scientific and sociocultural perspectives, putting forward several traditions, aspects, and signs of the human utopia of creating a hybrid face. The book semiotically delves into the multifaceted realm of the digital face, exploring its biological and social functions, the concept…
Nouvelle parution: “La double articulation, on en crève ! Repenser le signifiant”, sous la direction de Federico Bravo
Chères et chers collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous faire part de la parution du volume collectif La double articulation, on en crève ! Repenser le signifiant, sous la direction de Federico Bravo, aux éditions Lambert-Lucas : Vous trouverez la table des matières en pièce jointe. Bien cordialementAnne Beyaert-Geslin
Nouvelle parution: “Le sphinx incompris”, de Paolo Fabbri
Chères et chers collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution, aux Presses universitaires de Limoges (PULIM), dans la collection Visible, de l’ouvrage Le sphinx incompris.Cet ouvrage, conçu par Lucia Corrain, traduit et révisé par Jacques Fontanille, avec le soutien généreux de Simonetta Franci Fabbri, rassemble 21 essais de Paolo Fabbri consacrés à l’art…