Obituary for Prof. Dr. V. Doğan Günay

Our condolences to the world of science and to our country! We are deeply saddened by the loss of Prof. Dr. V. Doğan Günay, our respected teacher, our brother, the father of modern Turkish semiotics. Not only a scientist, but also a very good, very beautiful, very kind-hearted man who did not stop serving humanity,…

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Obituary for Göran Sonesson (1951-2023)

We have the sad duty to inform the community that our colleague and friend Göran Sonesson passed away on March 17, 2023, after a prolonged illness. Göran was born in 1951 in Malmö, Sweden, and studied linguistics at Lund University, where he obtained his doctorate in 1978. Guided by the conviction that human meaning making…

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Décès de Jean-Claude Coquet

Cher.e.s collègues, cher.e.s ami.e.s sé, Nous apprenons avec beaucoup de tristesse le décès de Jean-Claude Coquet, ce lundi 16 janvier 2023 à Sceaux, à l’âge de 94 ans. Jean-Claude Coquet, professeur émérite de l’université Paris VIII, était un très grand sémioticien et linguiste, un scientifique à la vaste culture. Son esprit curieux, exigeant, raffiné et volontiers espiègle nous manquera….

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Décès de Bruno Latour

Cher.e.s collègues, cher.e.s ami.e.s, C’est avec beaucoup de tristesse que nous apprenons le décès de Bruno Latour, Philosophe, anthropologue et sociologue des sciences et des techniques, décédé dans la nuit du 8 au 9 octobre à l’âge de 75 ans.Dans les dernières années, Bruno Latour a été l’une des plus grandes figures de la pensée…

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Obituary Andrew Stables (1956-2022)

Andrew Stables (1956-2022) Andrew Stables was known by friends and colleagues as “Andy”, an informal mode of address that suggests his friendly and approachable personality. He is one of the most prominent scholars in philosophy of education and a pioneer of the semiotic approach to education, having published several books and more than one hundred…

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In Memory of Per Aage Brandt (26 April 1944 – 11 November 2021)

Per Aage Brandt seemed to be fuelled by vital energy sources much different from those upon which other common mortals rely. Nothing could keep him from playing yet another set, writing or discussing yet another poem, translating yet another text, founding yet another publishing house or gallery or journal, writing yet another article or developing…

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Despedimos a Leonor Arfuch

La Asociación Argentina de Semiótica lamenta el fallecimiento de Leonor Arfuch, destacadísima intelectual de notable influencia en el campo de las ciencias sociales y humanas. Sus estudios sobre subjetividades, lo autobiográfico y las interrelaciones entre narrativa, identidad y memoria han marcado una línea de trabajo cuya relevancia la han vuelto una referencia ineludible de reconocimiento…

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Charls Pearson (1932-2021)

We regret to inform the world of semiotics, that it has lost one of its own. Dr. Charls Pearson left this world on May 11, 2021, just shy of his 89th birthday.  He passed after several years of ill health, due to complications of type 2 diabetes.          Charls was very devoted to the study…

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