The Nanjing 11th World Congress of Semiotics (IASS) Call for Papers ▬▬ Global Semiotics: Bridging Different Civilizations ▬▬ Time: October 5 – 9, 2012 Location: Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China Modern semiotic theories can be traced back to four theoretical sources originating in the beginning of the 20th century: Saussurean structural linguistics, Peircean pragmatism, Husserlian…
First Call for Papers of the Seventh Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS). Towards Cognitive Semiotics.
First Call for Papers of the Seventh Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS). Towards Cognitive Semiotics. A semiotic perspective on cognition – A cognitive perspective on semiosis We invite the submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentations for the Seventh Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, to be held at…
11th Congress on Musical Signification in Cracow
The 11th Congress on Musical Signification in Cracow starts on 26/sep Check out the Timetable and Schedule of Presentations. Download the timetable in pdf: ICMS_outline_programme-1 Download the Schedule of Presentations in pdf: ICMS_Schedule_17Sept-1
Call for Papers for the Section “Signs and the City” – CCKS: Cities, Cultures, Knowledge Societies
Invitation email Dear Colleagues, every second year, the Vienna based international Research Institute for Regional and Transnational Processes INST hosts a big conference on culture and society related topics. This year’s World Conference on CCKS: Cities, Cultures, Knowledge Societies CCKS will be held 25-28 November. Unlike the previous events, however, the majority of sections will…
Call for Papers: CINESONIKA
Call for Papers & Presentations Keynote Speaker: Don Ihde CINESONIKA: The First International Film and Video Festival of Innovative Sound Design is adding a conference component. We are seeking interdisciplinary contributions on sound in relation to the moving image. Media thinkers, film scholars, art historians, performance theorists, composers, filmmakers, sound practitioners, multimedia semioticians, philosophers of…
Call for papers: Eighth International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, 16-18 June 2011
2011 Linnaeus University, Sweden Eighth International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, 16-18 June 2011 The eighth in a series of biennial international and interdisciplinary symposia organized by the Iconicity Research Project since 1997, this meeting will once again focus on iconicity – understood as form miming meaning and form, and meaning miming form…
VI CONGRESO VENEZOLANO-INTERNACIONAL DE SEMIÓTICA 14-15 Y 16 DE JULIO DE 2010 TRUJILLO-TRUJILLO-VENEZUELA Primera circular La Universidad de los Andes, El CILL “Mario Briceño Iragorry”, La Maestría en Literatura Latinoamericana, La Asociación Venezolana de Semiótica, La Universidad del Zulia y El Laboratorio de Investigaciones de LUZ, invitan a docentes, investigadores, estudiantes e interesados en la…
Call for papers: International Conference “Zoosemiotics and Animal Representations”. Tartu, Estonia. 4-8 April 2011
Call for Papers INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “ZOOSEMIOTICS AND ANIMAL REPRESENTATIONS” Tartu, Estonia. 4–8 April 2011. Zoosemiotics is an interdisciplinary research program introduced by an American semiotician Thomas A. Sebeok in the 1960s with the aim to merge semiotics and ethology and to launch semiotic studies of animal communication. The foundational idea in zoosemiotics is that relations…
Call for Papers: Tourism belongs to whom? Exploring tourism in theory and practice. International Conference University of Palermo, June 17-18, 2010
Call for papers Tourism belongs to whom? Exploring tourism in theory and practice International Conference University of Palermo, June 17-18, 2010 Deadline for receiving abstracts: April 30, 2010 Rather than see tourism as a marginal phenomenon, during this conference we intend to examine tourism as a privileged site from which to reflect on the contemporary…